Katbeary Okino here. I'm afraid Kaliway has given you the wrong impression of my true nature. However, it's a good thing I'm here to set the record straight!
This is me. I was born on April 21, 1996.
How can such a sweet looking pussycat possibly be evil?
Here is how Kaliway sees me...
Anyway, you can make up your own mind. Sometimes it's too difficult for me!
Me and my winkwink, Wrigley, went on our first date Saturday night, October 25th! Don't we look divine?!
We went to Chez Fungus and had a wonderfur time. The food was delicious. The mewsic was very romantic. Wrigley took a turn at the piano and sang a touching song just for me. All the cats in the lounge applauded when he was done and there wasn't a dry eye anywhere! Everything was purrfect!!
Thanks to all at Chez Fungus!
After that, we had some cheesecake that his Meowmy Alda made just for us. As you can see I got a little carried away! (No, I didn't bring home any for Kaliway and Griffey!) Thank you Wrigley for a truly unforgettable evening!
On New Year's Eve, Wrigley took me to celebrate at the Fish Enterprise! We dined in style and had a great time romping on the beach before the fireworks started at midnight.
Valentine's Day was a blast! Wrigley took me to the SPA where we tested the exercise equipment and I even took an aerobics class!
Afterwards, we relaxed in the water and got into trouble because I smuggled in some Katnip soda from Triffin's Katnip Hut. Ooops! They were nice about it, though, and let us stay. (After they confiscated my contraband!)
Katnip Soda, sold exclusively at Triffan's Katnip Hut! Kittiez, try the baked Katnip Chips, too! Yummy! Just don't take them to a spa!
Unfortunately for me, I am now on a diet. Keep track of my progress on my Fitness Page!
More about me later. Let's see what Griffey is up to!
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