Welcome, welcome, welcome to our CLAW PAGE!
We've been working very hard to make this a place you'll come back to often. Stay awhile and explore all the fun stuff we've collected for you! Of course, we want you to visit CLAW and become a member of the most exciting place for kittiez we've ever seen. There are so many activities and educational opportunities for us kittiez and humans, too. So take a few minutes to see what can be in store for you!
Then, there are the classes we can take to catapult us to the realm of higher learning!
If that's not enough for you, take part in a debate and meet cats from all over the world!
It's all there at CLAW.
Kaliway was honored by being meowed in at the last ceremony.
Katbeary shows off her dancing skills (?)
What do you think of her skill? Write her with a yay or nay!
Click on the banner to go to CLAW
Created 10-19-97
Updated 12-14-97
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