Compiled and edited by Sandy Briggs.
Sandy Briggs, Wimberway Reg'd., RR4, Powassan, Ont.,P0H 1Z0
E-mail us at : sandy@wimberway.com (Sandy Briggs)

Sections updated Jan 24/04
BIS winners
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Canada's two TRIPLE CHAMPIONS, Kenosee Jim Dandy (right) and her daughter, Whistlinwings Kitty MaGree. Bred, owned, trained, and handled by Lori Curran, Alberta.

The following lists show the versatility of Labradors in Canada. To be listed, the dog must have earned a minimum of three titles in three different fields of endeavour in Canada.
The list is broken down into different title groupings, and each listing will include dogs who meet the minimum of titles in that category.
For a listing of abbreviations used in titles, click here: KEY
Following each dog's name is their colour and sex, and the year they completed the highest title.
Some links include more than the combination shown: i.e. the Ch-CD-WCI link also includes the Ch-CD-WCX dogs, and the Ch-CDX-WCX link includes the Ch-CDX-WC and Ch-CDX-WCI lists. When these lists grow enough, they will be separated and given separate links.
Thankyou for visiting this site. We hope you enjoy your trip through the multi-purpose Labradors in Canada, and while this site is still being built, we are also working on improving it, and suggestions are welcome.
Other exciting new sites, under construction, include the Specialty Show winners in Canada. Three lists are currently posted: the Best of Breed winners at all Specialties; the winners at the LOC Specialties, and the winners at the LRCC National Specialties.
Triple Ch.
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| Best Puppy in Show
| Key
- The following Labradors have reached heights often thought un-attainable, Show, Field, and Obedience Championships PLUS. These Canadian Labradors are the only ones to have achieved this level in the world.
- Ch, FTCH, OTCH Kenosee Jim Dandy WCX, BF, Lori Curran, Sask. 1987 (FT,AFTCh Pelican Lake Andy x Kenosee Jo)
- Ch, FTCH, OTCH Whistlnwings Kitty MaGee WCX, BF, Lori Curran, Sask., 1992.(Ch Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC x Triple Ch Kenosee Jim Dandy WCX)

The Triple Champions above, plus the following Labradors have their Show and Field (Dual) Championships PLUS other titles.
- Dual & Nat FTCH Bracken's Sweep, BM.
- Dual Ch Gerwin's Petite Viking CDX, BF.
- Dual & AFTCh Looncall's Tony's Mr Jay, BM. 1974. Tony Grossi, St Catharines, Ont.
- Dual & AFTCh Pelican Lake Peggy, BF. 1967. Scotty Gillespie, Boisevan, Man.
- Dual, AFTCh & Nat FT Ch Stormy of Spirit Lake Gal, BM. 1967. Jim Thompson, Toronto, Ont.
- Dual & AFTCh Wintoba's Maximum, BM. Keith Rutledge, Toronto, Ont.

- The dogs listed above in the Triple Ch., and Dual Plus lists, plus the following have all achieved their Dual (Ch & FT CH) titles in Canada.
Dual Ch Baker's Black Magic, BM, 1957.
- Dual Ch. Black Lobo, BM, 1977. Bill Little, Kingston, Ont.
- Dual Ch. Blue Jay of Upland Farm, BF, 1963.
- Dual Ch. Blyth's Ace of Spades, BM, 1956. Bob Blyth, Streetville, Ont.
- Dual Ch Blyth's Knave of Spades, BM, 1958. Wilson Nuttall, Massey, Ont.
- Dual Ch Blyth's Pat, BM, 1963. Len Ikonen, Kitchener, Ont.
- Dual Ch Blyth's Queen of Spades, BF, Ruth Copeland, Grimsby, Ont.
- Dual & Nat FTCH Bracken's Sweep, BM,
- Dual Ch Dart of Netley Creek, BM, 1964
- Dual Ch Dirk of Avandale, BM, 1959
- Dual Ch Dixie's Billy Jack, BM, 1977
- Dual Ch Don Head Barley Sugar, YM, 1965. Kay Robinson (Maurer), Thornhill, Ont.
- Dual Ch Forget-me-not's Judd, BM, 1972. Pete Pokoluk, Toronto, Ont.
- Dual Ch Happy Playboy, BM, 1965. Scotty Gillespie, Boisevan, Man.
- Dual Ch Hillside Ebony Lassie, BF, 1958. Jack Ripley, N.S.
- Dual Ch Kavon Cocktail Teal, BM, 1971. Ottawa, Ont.
- Dual Ch Killarney Sheba, BF, 1955
- Dual Ch Kiskadden's Little Squeak, BM, 1966
- Dual Ch Marelan's Ruff n Tuff, 1977
- Dual Ch Netley Creek's Black Drake, BM, 1970
- Dual Ch Onnie of Graingers, YM, 1960
- Dual Ch Ranger of Graingers, BM, 1959
- Dual Ch Rufus of Graingers, BM, 1967
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| Key