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DARGA genealogy......

Remnants of Research

1900 U.S. Census, Wayne County, MI

Other DARGAs found during research.

Here are a few DARGAs found during research. At this time, I am unable to connect them to my line. Perhaps, the information will be helpful to you. The information is from photocopies of microfilm that at times, are difficult to read. The photocopies have been scanned, saved as JPEGs and are presented here for you to view. The JPEGs are slow in loading......but genealogy is 95% patience. Due to limitations of space the whole document is not displayed. Any questions or interest in a particular segment? Email me at: - Please include DARGA in your subject line. I will endeavor to extract additional information from my copies or let you know otherwise.

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The following are from the 1900 U.S. Census - Wayne County, Michigan

Columns as read from left to right. Name, Relation, Color or Race, Sex, Birth Month, Birth Year, Age last birthday, Status (single, married, widowed, divorced), Years married, Mother of how many children, Number of children living, Place of Birth of this person.

John Darga & family, lived on St. Aubin Ave, Detroit, MI

John Darga & family, lived on St. Aubin Ave, Detroit, MI

Joseph Darga & family, lived on Forest Ave, Detroit, MI

Joseph Darga & family, lived on Farnsworth, Detroit, MI

Benuard Darga & family, Detroit, MI

Frank Darga & family, lived on Canfield St, Detroit, MI

Albert Darga & family, Detroit, MI

Frank Darga, lived with August Daska & family, Detroit, MI

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