The KARLSRUE of 1889
The "Karlsruhe" was built by Fairfield Co Ltd, Glagow in 1889 for North German Lloyd (Norddeutscher Lloyd) of Bremen. She was a 5,057 gross ton ship, length 415ft x beam 48ft, straight stem, one funnel, two masts, steel construction, single screw and a speed of 13 knots. (About 15 miles per hour.) There was accommodation for 44-1st, 36-2nd and 1,955-3rd class passengers.
Launched on 31/8/1889, she sailed on her maiden voyage from Bremen to Montevideo and Buenos Aires on 10/11/1889. On 13/2/1890 she started her first Bremen - New York - Baltimore
crossing and on 28/9/1892 commenced her first voyage from Bremen to Australia via the Suez Canal. On 31/1/1894 she sailed on her first Bremen - Suez - Far East voyage and completed 7 voyages on this service. On 8/2/1902 she started her last voyage from
Bremen to New York and Baltimore, on 18/12/1902 her last Bremen - Baltimore voyage (37 N.Atlantic crossings), 16/5/1906 saw her last Bremen - Australia voyage (19 voyages)and on 22/9/1906 she started her last Bremen - S.America voyage (3 voyages). She was
scrapped in 1908.
Credit for the above to:North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.2,p.554. - Posted to The ShipsList by Ted Finch - 13 February 1998
To avoid confusion, you should know of the ship POCAHONTAS, built in 1900 was renamed the KARLSRUHE in 1928.
Steamship Historical Society of America
University of Baltimore Library
1420 Maryland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21201
The Steamship Historical Society has files that contain 50,000 ship photos. Pictures can be obtained by mail by sending (separate sheet) an alphabetical list of those wanted. Identify each ship as fully as possible. (Ships with the same name are common.) They will return the list with the ships available (marked) and cost.
Reference: The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy Edited by Loretto Dennis Szucs & Sandra Hargreaves Luebking, pg. 500
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