Animal Rescue Information and Links
Animal Rescue Information and Links
Special thanks go to the Opelika-Auburn News and WRBL CBS Channel 3 out of Columbus, GA.
Their interest in publicizing the plight of rescue personnel and rescue dogs has helped tremendously.
Without them, I would be fighting a losing battle here in Lee County, Alabama.
Downloadable Rescue Forms
Links to Rescue Organizations on the Web Click here for a Secondary Location
Rescue/Foster Picture Album and Storybook
Run Pictures and Stories
Smart Time for Life Campaign
"In order to curb needless euthanasia of animals,
it is requested all animal shelters to be open for adoptions during hours most convenient for the public.
Currently most shelters are only open during the hours most people have to be at work.
It is requested these shelters be instead open from noon to 9 pm.
Such a change requires no additional hours of operation. It merely changes
the hours to better serve the public and the animals."
Also at the Smarter Time For Life Campaign's Web Page
you will find many contacts around the entire world for shelters,
humane societies, government and media to send emails and
faxes to requesting support on this.
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