*for more info on the March of Dimes, click on logo

The March of Dimes was formed in 1938
by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to find a cure for polio. After just 20
years, the research headed by Jonas Saulk led to the vaccine that we give our
babies today. The organization then turned its efforts to combatting the
3000-5000 birth defects that threaten the health and lives of our nations
GOALS for the year 2000:
reduce the incidence of birth defects by 10%
reduce infant mortality rate to 7 in 1000 babies--the US has only 24th
lowest infant mortality rate in the world
reduce low birth weight below 5%
increase the number of pregnant women who seek prenatal care in their
first trimester to 90%

has been named National Honorary Chairperson of Walk America . In addition,
Ms. Ireland will lead Walk America as part of the K-Mart team. Ms.Ireland says she has
personal reasons to be thankful for the March of Dimes' 60 years of success in
helping children have healthier lives. "As a mother of a healthy 3yr old
son, the fight for healthier babies really hits home," she said, "it's
a privilege for me to serve as a chairperson on Walk America , she
added. Ms.Ireland has participated as a member of the Kmart Team for the past
three years and has helped promote its importance.

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