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One of our past Monthly Quotes was from a sermon preached by Brother Ravenhill on 5/14/1983, and it is still much needed for today’s Christian and today’s Church. The title of the message is “Who’s Touching the Ark?”, and it deals with the church of today, where the leaders in our churches are “trying to put some ‘improvement’ on the ark of God”. The “ark” Brother Ravenhill refers to is any kind of ministry to and for the Lord. “Any kind of ministry” means anything from the music we sing to the words we preach. It is an excellent message, especially for those of us who might have wondered: “What has happened to the church today...?”
This dear saint has gone on to his Eternal Reward (or his Coronation Day, as someone at his funeral called it), but there is much at his site that can bless, encourage and strengthen us all (his son, Paul, maintains and adds some of his own writings there). Not only can you find many of Brother Ravenhill’s messages and devotionals, but you can also find some of his wonderful Biographical Sketches of other Revival Preachers of the past -- including George Whitefield, John Wesley, George Ousley and Jonathan Edwards. Ravenhill’s Home Page may be viewed here: “ravenhill.org”
A personal note: I heard Brother Ravenhill speak on several occasions when I was a very young Christian, and I could “scarce contain” the words he spoke...but I knew, in my still-young heart, that those words were seasoned with grace and truth. Now -- after walking with the Lord for thirty years -- I find it somewhat odd and a little disheartening that so few Christians today are interested in Brother Ravenhill’s work, and yet many of them clamor for the “Hype & Hoopla” and all the varied manifestations and experiences of today...ending up as shallow and confused Christians (as well as “divided”...with “divided” meaning they are actually divided from the Body of Christ, even though they may “faithfully attend” various church services, conventions and/or “travel miles” to hear some great minister speak...)
May God open up each of our hearts to embrace the Truth of the Holy Scriptures, or as Brother Ravenhill has so often taught: “Let us return to the Old Paths” -- those Paths of Righteousness, Truth, Equity and Holiness. Sadly, so many today are seeking new and dangerous paths of fame, riches and new experiences (that are not new, but “seem” to be). I thank God that He is raising up a sincere Body of people who are desirous of those Old, True Paths, and may the Lord grant the Peace of Christ to those who do seek Him and His Ways...and may they receive true confidence and boldness to faithfully continue their walk until He comes.
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If you haven’t yet, please stop by and ~
Here you can take a look at our old guestbook. Its pages
may be a little worn, but the words there are still warm!
~ And here are
Some Wonderful Attributes
of God ~
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