We hope you signed our book, but if you chose not to,
feel free to view what others have written. You may
want to “read about” and “get to know” other visitors.
Charissa - 10/24/98 02:39:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/christian77
My Email:carbonec@hotmail.com
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: yes
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: yes
How did you “find” our site: banner on a guestbook
If you have your own site, please leave the name: Celebrate
This is a beautiful site. It's nice to see people using all the resources available to them to spread the Word of the Lord.
Wylene - 10/24/98 02:04:13
My URL:/BourbonStreet/Delta/2482
My Email:sassymama@geocities.com
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: most definitely
How long have you been “saved”: since my baptism at infancy
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: I attend a Catholic Church
How did you “find” our site: When you signed my guestbook
If you have your own site, please leave the name: Wylene's Wonderful World
I have bookmarked your site and will be back to read and try to absorb it all. It is really an inspirational visit.
Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guest book.
Wylene sassymama@geocities.com {°¿°}
Thank you for signing our guest book, Gary! Your web site is looking very good - I can see that you have put a lot of hard work into it - and you're spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that is all that matters. Here is our banner; we will be changin
it one of these days, but if you want to go ahead and use it, you are welcome. Have a good day in the Lord.
Your Site sure does lift up The Lord! It is a real Blessing. You are getting the Word out & know you are winning Souls for our Lord. I believe if you don't tell people about Jesus, then you can't truly know Him. But when you really know Him, You have to s
are Him!! God Bless You & your Site. Jesus is the Best Thing that can happen to anyone!
Joseph - 10/22/98 04:34:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~nu_b1/index.html
My Email:nub1@angelfire.com
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: yes
How long have you been “saved”: 19 years
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: on sabatical
Do you attend a “home church”: in my home
How did you “find” our site: Jatrix top 50
If you have your own site, please leave the name: nuB1 The Way Station
I have read your open letter found on your main page. Start to finish, I agree whole heartedly. When I read the story about Betty, I could relate for we have all had Bettys around at one time or another. It is a shame that people think that once you are a
Christian, the voice you hear has to be God. They usually end up listening to seducing spirits instead. The only thing as bad as that are those who are Christian and say they never have heard the voice of God. (spirit to spirit) All we can do is continue
o preach the Uncompromising Word of God and pray that it drops into people's hearts. I will be returning to read some of the other things you have written. God bless and have a great week.
Rocco - 10/20/98 01:29:39
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: Yes
How long have you been “saved”: over 40 years
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: No- I am a missionary
Darlene - 10/20/98 01:27:06
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~im4him/about.htm
My Email:im4him@frontiernet.net
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: Yes
How long have you been “saved”: 44yrs
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: No - I am a missionary
How did you “find” our site: another guest book
If you have your own site, please leave the name: Integrity Ministries
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
You are visitor number:
You have a wonderful site!!! So much information to read. I love sites that have things to read, I love to learn all I can about our Lord. Stop by my site when you get a chance :-) Would love for you to read my testimony and see what the Lord has done for
me and brought me through. Take care and God bless...Shari
Trudy - 10/17/98 19:22:36
My URL:http://welcome.to/counselor
My Email:ferryman@reach.net
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: follower of Christ Jesus
How long have you been “saved”: 37 years
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: no
Do you attend a “home church”: own home church
How did you “find” our site: other guestbook
If you have your own site, please leave the name: A CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR
Praise the Lord, keep up His work
How wonderful is it to dwell in the shelter of the Most High and in the shadow of the Almighty.
To hide under His wings provides protection and security.
His lovingkindness is better than life and we have all reasons to praise Him.
My soul shall be satisfied in Him and my lips shall utter praises unto MyRedeemer.
Please, enjoy the following page PRAISE, and may His name be glorified.
Lodi - 10/14/98 12:00:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~radicalspace/index.html
My Email:lodi55@hotmail.com
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: yes, born agian.
How long have you been “saved”: 12 years
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: not anymore
Do you attend a “home church”: not a specific one
How did you “find” our site: Link on "In His footsteps" site
If you have your own site, please leave the name: Radical Space
Your site is a blessing...so many articles...I'll have to come back again.
Petr Cervinka - 09/26/98 15:30:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Jetty/4427/
My Email:petrcervinka@geocities.com
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: yes
How long have you been “saved”: not yet
How did you “find” our site: Through your link in my guestbook.
If you have your own site, please leave the name: Character animation, cartoon characters and fun.
Thanks so much for signing my guestbook and for your comments. You have very nice site. Since I found that without God my life would not be meaningful, I prepare now for Christian's life.
Pastor John Kempf - 06/20/98 16:32:19
My URL:http://www.sosi.org
My Email:pastor@mcione.com
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: Yes
How long have you been “saved”: 18 years
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: Yes
Do you attend a “home church”: Yes
How did you “find” our site: We exchanged email
If you have your own site, please leave the name: Sword Of The Spirit International
Excellent material. I took the time to read several of your articles...good work. I praise the Lord for the heart and spirit in which you seek to present truth of scripture. I particularly enjoyed the way you addressed the misguided interest in angels
that is sweeping television and other venues in America today. Keep up the good work; this site is a blessing. I will add a link to it from my site. Thanks.
quinlan - 05/28/98 02:00:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/7172/
My Email:quinlan31@hotmail.com
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: yes \0/
How long have you been “saved”: about 15 years :-)
Do you attend a “mainstream church”: yes, United Methodist, but was raised Catholic
Do you attend a “home church”: no
How did you “find” our site: Gary was kind enough to email the link!
If you have your own site, please leave the name: quinlan's homepage
How generous of you to share all that you have learned! And, there is so much in the “unsearchable riches” of Christ! I read your personal page, so many children grow up unchurched for whatever reason. I pray daily for these children that some ministry wi
l reach out to them and share the love that is Jesus. God bless you and Patricia!
James - 05/05/98 10:50:35
My URL:/~jamfir
My Email:jamfir@webzone.net
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: yes
Do you attend a “mainstream” church: no
Do you attend a “home church”: no
Do you have a favorite book or verse in the Bible: yes, Philippians 3:10-15
How long have you been “saved”: 26 yrs,6 mos,19 days
Just a short note while I'm here to say I really like the changes you added to your site...both looks and content. May God continue to bless all of your work! James
Willie Gasek - 03/19/98 08:44:05
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/2757
My Email:hiswill@bellsouth.net
Dear Brother, I really appreciate the weekly teaching.There's a fresh drink of Water in this Spiritual Drought. Grace & Heart PEACE unto you and yours from His Throne!!! Willie<><
Willie Gasek - 01/29/98 01:27:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2757
My Email:hiswill@bellsouth.net
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST
Do you attend a “mainstream” church: No
Do you attend a “home church”: me & HIM
Do you have a favorite book or verse in the Bible: GAL.2:20
How did you “find” our site: jamfirs oasis
How long have you been “saved”: 19 years, half runnin from Him.
Gary, was glancing down James' guestbook entries,saw your entry, GOT AN UNCTION to write. You have a PEACEFUL NIGHT!
Willie Gasek<><
Patricia Mehlberg - 10/17/97 21:37:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/7580/
My Email:overcomers_u@rocketmail.com
Do you consider yourself a “Christian”: yes
Do you attend a “mainstream” church: no
Do you attend a “home church”: no
Do you have a favorite book or verse in the Bible: all
How did you “find” our site: you signed my guestbook
How long have you been “saved”: raised in the church, born again 1973
Thank you for your encouraging comments about Overcomer's Unlimited Home Page. We got it up and running in July and haven't had as much traffic as I would like. I don't plan to change what is there unless I find something to be in error. I do plan to co
tinue adding to it as I can. I also have some other authors I plan to link on my page. They don't have access.
I like your page! My computer is slow and a lot of graphics really slow me down so your simplicity was a treat. I plan to come back and check out your links when I have some more time. I have another paper on marriage ready for Jonathon and when he has
time to program it we will get it on. Again thanks for the encouragement. We will put a link to you.
James Firestone - 10/15/97 10:13:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~jamfir
Hello brother,
Your changes in your page look great. I got your e-mail and will update my link with your new address. I like the name “Shepherd's fold”. To be a co-shepherd with the Great Shepherd is a wonderful work. “And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall
eceive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” (1 Peter 5:4, KJV).
In Christ!
James - 10/04/97 00:24:34
My URL:http://www.come.to/oasis
My Email:jamfir@concentric.net
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': yes
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: no
Do you attend a 'home church': no
Do you have a favorite book or verse in the Bible: Philippians 3:10-15
How long have you been 'saved': 10/16/61
Greetings Gary!
I just love to come to your site. I am always lifted up!
Much love in Christ!
Heidi - 09/29/97 19:02:43
My Email:pshq47a@prodigy.com
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': Yes
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: Yes
Do you attend a 'home church': No
Do you have a favorite book or verse in the Bible: Psalms
How did you 'find' our site: Through a friend
How long have you been 'saved': grew up a Christian, but recently have been born again!
What a wonderful web page! I have book marked it so as I may come back often! Keep up the good work & the Lord's blessings to you!
Mamacub - 09/27/97 05:05:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1072
My Email:mamacub@hotmail.com
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': Yes!
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: no
Do you have a favorite Bible character: Joseph, and, of course, Jesus!
A favorite book in the Bible: Genesis and Revelation
Favorite verse(s): Titus 3:5
How long have you been saved: a long, long time, but only really close to Him for about 5 years!
Wow!! What a wonderful page! I sent your URL to many of my friends, I hope you don't mind! I want to thank you for signing my guestbook, and for the wonderful things you wrote in it, I had no idea how many wonderful things you had to say! Thank you, thank
you!! I bookmarked your page, as I will need to read your words more often! *smile*
Tim Welther - 09/20/97 09:51:01
My Email:kakitim@hdtinfo.com
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': yes.
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: yes. Luth. Church Missouri Synod
Do you have a favorite Bible character: no
A favorite book in the Bible: Matthew
How long have you been saved: 30yrs.
Just am in need of prayers right at this time. My wife & I are unemployed right
at this time. I'll be going back to college in about 11/2 weeks to finish what I started out
to do. May God Bless Your Ministry.
James Firestone - 09/12/97 11:09:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~jamfir
My Email:jamfir@concentric.net
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': yes
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: no
How long have you been saved: 26 years
Excellent page. I "scan read" both the home church and zadok articles. Bookmarked to come back, hopefully later today.
God bless in Christ!
Bill Maxey - 09/05/97 20:56:53
My URL:http://personal.msy.bellsouth.net/~maxey
My Email:maxey@bellsouth.net
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': yep
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: yep
Do you have a favorite Bible character: Jesus
A favorite book in the Bible: The Gospel of John
Favorite verse(s): 3:16
How long have you been saved: about 2000 years
I really enjoyed your site, and especially your testimony.
Shane Wallace - 09/04/97 11:56:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/1148/
My Email:swallace@greenvillenc.com
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': YES
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: Yes, I'm the youth pastor @ Winterville Baptist
Do you have a favorite Bible character: Yes, Paul
A favorite book in the Bible: Hebrews especially chapter 11
Favorite verse(s): several but my favorite has to be Phil 4:13
How long have you been saved: since I was 9, 20 years now.
Thanks for the visit and the comments in our guestbook. It pleases me to know that others, outside my family, care. It gives me the strength that is talked about in Philippians 4:13. It is also God working all that night to push back the Sea (Exodus 14:
1). Emily was our world, now she's not in it. Therefore, we refuse to be a part of it. The only world we want now is the world were our children exist...Heaven. We will continue this fight in this world as long as God allows to. But one day He will call
s home and when He does, me and my family, once again, will DANCE. Love ya, keep up the good work. Shane and Tracie Wallace ~ Hebrews 11:1 ~
Glenn and Kelly Rickert - 08/27/97 12:33:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/2724/
My Email:krick85717@nni.com
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': Yes
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: ?non denominational?
Do you have a favorite Bible character: Nebuchadnezzer
A favorite book in the Bible: Hebrews
Favorite verse(s): all of Hebrews 11
How long have you been saved: 23 years
I thank God for all the Jesus sites I have seen on my tour of the Ranch. May God bless you and your site!!!
- 08/20/97 12:30:19
My Email:pamasaun@pacbell.net
Do you consider yourself a 'Christian': yes
Do you attend a 'mainstream' church: no
Do you have a favorite Bible character: not a favorite yet
A favorite book in the Bible: James
Favorite verse(s): James 1
How long have you been saved: 8 years
Going thru the geocities neighborhoods and found your site. Excellent work. Wonderful articles. I am interested in the discussion of The Church and Home Churches and how it can follow an authority structure without pastors or deacons.
Thanks for your visit to this page.
since February 29, 2000.