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Photos posted here are for your viewing pleasure and belong to the author and author's family. No consent for use of these private collection photos is hereby expressed, implied, or granted.

Rosebud In The Dust
Roy & Elva Scherer (Circa 1929)
Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota.

Grampa Johnny
Johnny Hinton and "Ricky"
1949; Succor Creek, Malheur County, Oregon.

Grandma Lula
Lula Bell Eads Hinton, "Ricky" & "Tom"
1949; Succor Creek, Malheur County, Oregon.

Charles "Charlie" Hinton; Age 81; circa 1948.
Stagecoach Mail carrier -- Owyhee & Malheur Counties.

Charles Oliver Hinton & Minnie Ann Oliver North
1893 wedding photo --
Tawas City, Iosco County, Michigan

Photo: Rick Scherer
--Caldwell, ID
Stagecoach Etiquette

Jeremiah Morris Eads & Nancy Jane Miller
1891 wedding photo -- Willamette Valley, Oregon.
Built Watson Community Water Wheel.