The purpose of this page is to provide a variety of official CowPokin' Fun logos and codes that you can copy and paste into your HTML documents with ease.
Those of you proficient in HTML, please download the CPF logo graphic(s) of your choice and do your thing.
Also note: I am relatively new at this and definitely no expert, so if you have suggestions or recommendations that would help make this page better or make linking to this site easier, I would love to hear from you. To send email, visit: Email Us
Those less experienced, please read on.
Though I've learned a little about HTML, I still have a great deal to learn. I've been doing this web thing since 1997, though I vividly remember those first few weeks when even the basics were totally foreign to me. I barely knew what an active link was, let alone the necessary code. Suddenly, my site won an award. Wow! I was deeply honored, but also confounded. Anxious to post it, I wanted also to link to the site who'd presented me with the honor, yet didn't know how. I made a frantic plea for help, and my sister (a sysop on the Microsoft Network) posted it for me. Knowing that not all new users have an expert that close at hand, I've attempted to provide here a "link made easy." I sincerely hope I have accomplished that aim. If for some reason (which would most likely be my own inexperience) I have failed in that attempt, please be kind enough to notify me.
You will find the link-specific code inside a box below each CPF logo choice number (CHOICE #), and can see what it will look like directly ABOVE the box containing that specific code. Your link to our site can be accomplished with a simple "copy and paste" of just one paragraph of code (inside the box). We request you download the image (usually done with a right click on the image, then choose Save) and upload it to your own server; then change the path of the image to reflect your own image directory.
My image diretory is:
Your individual directory name will be different, of course, but the image name will remain the same (unless you rename it - though not recommended).
Those of you semi-experienced in HTML will know how to change the image source tags, and we thank you kindly for doing so.
If, however, you're still confused, read on.
The below codes, as written, access our individual web space in order to render our logo image(s) on your page. Those brand-spankin' new at HTML may access our server for the CPF logo image(s) of choice, and copy the code(s) exactly as written. Once you feel a bit more comfortable with HTML and can change it over, we trust you will.
In the interim, your accessing our web storage for a couple weeks or so won't (bug) us a bit.
We'd be tickled pink if you should decide to use one of the following:
Humor, Cowboy Poetry, Authentic Western Tales & Photos.
Dedicated to the preservation of the Old West and Western Way of Life.
CHOICE #1 Code
(IMAGE is approx. 8Kb)
Humor, Cowboy Poetry, Authentic Western Tales & Photos.
Dedicated to the preservation of the Old West and Western Way of Life.
CHOICE #2 Code
(approx. 5.6Kb)
Humor, Cowboy Poetry, Authentic Western Tales & Photos.
CHOICE #3 Code
(approx. 2.8Kb)
Humor, Cowboy Poetry, Authentic Western Tales & Photos.
CHOICE #4 Code
(approx. 2.7Kb)
Humor, Cowboy Poetry, Authentic Western Tales & Photos.
CHOICE #5 Code
(approx. 1.7Kb)
Humor, Cowboy Poetry, Authentic Western Tales & Photos.
CHOICE #6 Code
(approx. 2.37Kb)
(TEXT only)
CowPokin' Fun . . . . . Humor, Cowboy Poetry, Authentic Western Tales & Photos.
CHOICE #7 Code
CowPokin' Fun
. . . . .
Humor, Cowboy Poetry, Authentic Western Tales & Photos.
If none of the above seem to fit your particular webpage or western website's overall design, you have our permission to design a link to us that more fits your needs. Font face, color, and alignment, paragraphing, or the size of our official logo (as long as resized proportionately) are not our major concern. The important thing is the link. Align things left, center, or right. (Just please not upside-down.) We want your link to CowPokin' Fun to look attractive on your page and to blend nicely with your overall web design, so don't be afraid you'll offend us if you find it necessary to make reasonable changes.
We're easy.
Don't forget to notify us of the Internet Address where our link can be found and to provide the URL and the official name of your site or homepage. We request that the email address of the individual we are to contact also appear within the body of your message.
Please notify us of any WESTERN SITE that you love (even if it's your own) so that we can take a gander. Keep in mind, we are looking to provide links for Western Americana, Cowboy Poetry, and sites pertaining to the Old West.
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View our reciprocal link requirements