Our third child is Bryan, he was born in May of '91. What an angel, he is so cute, what a dollbaby of a (yea, yea, i'm bragging again but hey, remember, its my home page) anyway...don't go thinking this page is all about Power Rangers or whales...Bryan has many interests...He loves movies..(not just animated don't go yet)...He loves Star Wars and , well I will let him tell you what else he likes to do

Hi, I am Bryan, I am 7. I am in First grade. I go to Evans School. This year Mrs. Stoner is my teacher.. I like the Mystic Knights...But I love Whales and sea animals...My best thing I like to do also is play Star Wars..The first things are the pages my mom and me like to look at...and then I will have more stuff...Look at the Power Ranger and Beetle Borg stuff too....and don't forget to check out Free Willys is great.... I love to watch movies, all kinds of movies, I like everything from Secret Garden to Zorro..
thank you

My favorite whale picture
Another great picture
This is the discovery cam on Whilly what a neat and soo much info on my favorite whale
This is orinusorca (Orca) page...great pitures and great links
This is Whillys home page.. his name is really is a great is a little better that the discovery page cause my mom said they give more information about Whilly...he is OK...but he was sick...they also have a camera in his tank...and you can see him...I love it...
I like this page cause it has great pictures and great whale links....i love orcas but there are more great pages about other whales found here.......
Here are some things about Power Rangers that I like
Power Rangers on line archives
Information on Turbo a Power Ranger Movie
Bandai's Zeo page
Power Rangers in space...I love this page

Good information on all the shows the Beetle Borges did
BettleBorges home page

In this space is all the orca whale stuff that me and my mom could find...but she is tired she will finish it tomarrow
More to come.......Try this..Warner Bros Animation