Speaking of friends....we have a group of friends that we go camping with almost all the time....Our group consist of 8 Adults and 13 children....We are TROUBLE....lol...Not in the way that we cause trouble, but in the way that trouble seems to follow us...but more on that later...With this group of Trouble we have traveled to many places...some of the campsites have links to them below...We have already been to 4 Seasons Camp grounds in New Jersery this year...we had almost 40 people with us to enjoy the fun...In July our Trouble group will be going to Vermont for a week....I will let you know how it was...

4 Seasons Campgrounds
Tall Pines--Elmer, NJ--609-451-7479
Jellystone--Jackson, NJ--908-928-0500
Paridise Lakes--Hammonton, NJ--609-561-7095
Hospitality Creek--Williamstown, NJ--609-629-6680
If you want to find other Campgrounds in NJ...Check here...
Here is a nice site that features the Best in new Jersey Campgrounds
Lake Bomoseen Campground, Bomoseen (802-273-2061). This campground sits near the northern end of Lake Bomoseen, Vermont's largest lake. This is the campground we are going to in July...I hear the fishing is great..

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Updated July 6, 1997
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