If you haven't subscribed to the newsletter, now is a good time to do so. We are planning on releasing a monthly newsletter/online magazine by the end of February. This will be delivered through the newsletter subscription list. ALSO: The Online Christian Music Magazine will contain a Top Twenty Chart, please click here to go vote for your favorites each month. |
Michelle's Christian Music Home page |
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PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Since this page began, 12 people have clicked my "I Just Accepted Jesus" button!!!! |
Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious. Psalms 66:1-2 |
| I'm really excited because I just downloaded a program to create animated cursors. This is my first one but I expect more to be on the way shortly. If you would like this cursor as your mouse cursor, just click on the link to download the file. It is called note.ani Then go to your mouse properties and set note.ani as the cursor. The hot spot (the part you should click with) is almost exactly in the center of the circle part of the music note.
 | flipping music note cursorYou can do whatever you want..but my suggestion is to use this one in place of the hourglass (when your computer is working). |
| Webmasters: If you would like to link to this site, please feel free to use this button. You can link to this page. The dimensions for this button are 150X75. Please feel free to use the banners you see for linking, also. |
News Flashes I would like to schedule a fellowship time in the chat room (found in the Feedback Section) on Tuesday nights from 7:00 p.m. Central Time through 10:00 p.m. Central Time. This is not to say that no one should be in the room at any other time. Nor, is it to say that you shouldn't come unless you can be there for the entire time. The reason I scheduled this time is because some people are going, but never finding anyone in the chat room to talk to. So, I thought that maybe some could get together, if there was a "scheduled" time to be there. Let's see what happens.
We have online Bible Study in the chatroom on Monday and Saturday nights at 8:00 p.m. Central Time. We would love for you to join us. The chat room is found in the Feedback section. |
| Updated Look in the Multimedia Section or the Resources Section to find NEW Southern Gospel links and sound clips. I had just realized that I didn't have anything for those who prefered Southern Gospel. Let me know what you think.
Michael English Panama City Concert Review (found in the concert section) 
Live Christian Music Broadcasts (found in Multimedia) 
Directions to Concerts (found in the concert section) 
HTML Chat Room. This means you do not have to have a JAVA-enabled browser!(found in the Feedback Section) 
Live Contemporary Christian Music Radio Broadcasts (found in the multimedia section) (both Contemporary and Southern Gospel radio stations) |
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