This award was created to honor those Web Page Owners, who are actively trying to spread the Light of Jesus to the world. I only have four rules for receiving this award. However, I am also going to list some extras that I would consider GREAT things to include on a web page. You will probably notice that I don't include the extras on my site, yet. But I plan to add them shortly.
- The site MUST be actively spreading the light of Jesus to the world.
- The site MUST show a plan of salvation somewhere. If unsaved people do visit your site and want to be saved, do you have a page that tells them what they must do to be saved?
- The site MUST lift up the name of Jesus.
- The site MUST have a creative way to grab and hold people's attention. What good is it to have all the information they need to know, if there is nothing to make them stay long enough to see all the information. This can take many forms, however. I have seen some pages that have INCREDIBLE graphics. You can't take your eyes off the page until they are finished. However, some of us aren't so talented. The way I claim to hold attention is through Christian music. Many people listen to Christian music, who are not Christian's. Therefore, many unsaved people may come to my site because of the Christian music involved. Let God help you develop your own way to grab and hold attention.
These are some EXTRAS that would be great for you to include on your site, but are not required to receive the Light of the World award.
- It would be great for each Light of the World site to have a "souls saved" counter. We don't necessarily want to advertise the names of people who are saved through these sites (unless they just want the world to know), but we can keep a running total of souls saved. This is not to see who can outdo each other. It is only to encourage other people to try to win souls. It is to let them see that you can see results when you spread the light.
- It would be GREAT for each Light of the World site to include help for new converts. Some may not find good local churches right away (although we do need to encourage them to do so). Therefore, it would be our responsibility to take them under our wing until they do find a local church. And even after they do find one, they still could benefit from the additional help from these web sites.
- My dream is for all Light of the World sites to cooperate with each other. All these sites should share with each other. Someone once told me that I could use anything I wanted from his site because there might be people who visited my site that would never come to his. At least they would see the gospel through my site, if I used his material. In effect, what he was saying, was that the most important thing was to win souls for Jesus, not to compete with each other for the "best" web sites, to the point that we won't let anyone else use our ideas. This would be my goal for all of the Light of the World Award winners, to see them cooperate and share with each other, to win the entire world for Jesus.
If you think you qualify for the Light of the World award, please e-mail your name and URL to Michelle Also, please be sure to let me know that you would like to apply for this award. I will visit your site and let you know if you qualify. Award winners will be posted on this page.
Also, if you think you quality for this award, you probably do qualify for the Spread The Light web ring.
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