Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious.
Psalms 66:1-2

If you would like to chat...why not try the chat room where I currently volunteer on Staff? If you do, be sure and tell them that Michelle's Christian Music Home Page sent you there. You may see me currently logged on as Chellebear.

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Note: You MUST have a telnet client associated with your browser in order for this to work. If you don't have a telnet client installed on your computer, you can download one from the Internet. Visit

When the Koinonos welcome screen appears, simply follow the instructions to log on.

TIP: If you can't see what you're typing, make sure "local echo" is selected. If what you type appears twice, make sure "local echo" is not selected.

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This ring has been created for a time to come. There will come a day when there will be multiple vanishings all over the world. Hundreds....thousands...even millions...will be one knows what happened. Or do they? If you are reading this and this event has happened, then YOU are one reason this ring was created. If you are confused and do not know where to turn or what to believe...this ring is for you. Follow this ring through the many web pages designed just for you. You will find one simple truth running throughout all of these web pages....Jesus loves you....Jesus died for you...and yes, He can still save you, if you'll call on Him.

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Last Updated on September 23, 1999 by Michelle Rogers