Charles River Dog Training Club, Inc.
Waltham, Massachusetts

Puppy Kindergarten Classes

    Charles River DTC Puppy classes are held Friday evenings in Weston MA. Both Puppy Kindergarten and an Advanced Puppy Course are offered.
    Classes start Sept 11, 2009. more info at our new site,

The following information is provided as a community service.
CRDTC does not endorse any of the facilities listed nor maintain any of the web pages.

Dog Club sponsored Puppy Classes in the Greater Boston area (Listed by town where classes are held)

  • Boxborough MA - Yankee Golden Retriever Club; For Golden Retriever Puppies Only, ages 7 weeks to 4 months. Thursday Evenings at 7:00 PM. Pre-class registration is required. Instructor: Jan Bramhall. FMI:, 978-263-7749.

  • Cambridge MA - New England Dog Training Club; Puppy Kindergarten for puppies less than 5 months old. Thursday evening classes at the Cambridge Armory, 450 Concord Avenue. FMI: 617-868-1713

  • Concord MA - Concord Dog Training Club; Puppy Kindergarten for puppies between the age of 2 and 4 1/2 months on starting date of course. Fridays 7:00-9:00 PM. Instructors: Arlee Recktenwald, Nancy Patterson. FMI: 978-371-1133

  • Danvers MA - Old Colony Obedience Club; Puppy classes for puppies ages 9 weeks to 4 months. Mondays, 7 to 8 pm. FMI: Beth Piekardski 978-687-3947 or Marcia Peirce, email:

  • Osterville MA - Cape Cod Kennel Club; Puppy Kindergarten classes Wednesday evenings at the Osterville Community Center. For Puppies between 10 and 17 weeks of age at the start of class. Pre-class registration is required. Wednesday nights, 6:30pm.
    Instructor: John Cappellina, 508-362-6506 or FMI: Ellie Dibbern, 508-394-1681,

  • Weston MA - Charles River Dog Training Club. Puppy and Advanced Puppy classes. Instructor: Dianne Campos. more info

Some other puppy classes in the Greater Boston area (Listed by town where classes are held)

Puppy classes in New Hampshire (Listed by town where classes are held)

  • Amherst NH - American K9 Country,, 603-672-8448

  • Manchester NH - All Dogs Gym. For puppies 8 weeks to 16 weeks of age at the start of the class. 603-669-4644,

  • Nashua NH - Riverside Canine Center, 603-889-9800,

  • Rochester NH - Brenda Buja, 207-339-0020

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last updated Aug-2008
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