Post Natal Depression

~My Story~

Home~Symptoms~First Diagnosis~Second Diagnosis
Helen Mayo House~A Poem~My Homepage

Natural Medication

I heard so much about St. Johns Wort I decided to give it a
go rather than take anti depressants. It didn't take
long to realize that St. Johns Wort was
only a band aid for me and I was still suffering severe
bouts of depression.

My third diagnosis

My negligence has seen me crumble. It is now three years
since I was first diagnosed with Post Natal Depression.
Only NOW I have finally admitted 'yes' I do have a
problem and I must stop playing doctor. I have been
prescribed Zoloft once again, but this time I am going to
stick with it and allow my doctor to guide me and pull me
through this. It's horrible when I see how I have affected
my family with all this.
This time I am stuck in depression so bad that I have more
bad days then good and I can't cope with it. This time though
I know I will pull through it. These have been the
hardest years of my life and I blatantly refuse to keep going
through this personal trauma. This is the first time I have
seen light at the end of the tunnel and each day I get
closer to it.
If I have helped one person with my story, it was worth
every minute, every hour I put into creating this site.
I thank God that I never hurt my children
If you are going through something similar to myself or
have perhaps already been there, I would love to hear from you.
Please email me.
Just one more thing. Ladies, please don't forget men suffer
Post Natal Depression too and we must keep an eye on
them too.