Post Natal Depression
~My Story~
All I ever wanted
- I couldn't
wait until the day I became pregnant and to give
- birth 'naturally'.
For some reason I saw it as making you
- 'complete'
as a woman

My first diagnosis
- Matthew had
just turned 6 months, so I popped him in his pram
- and walked
to the Children's and Youth Health Centre.
- As usual, I
was clad with my track suit, ruffled my hair to look
- half decent.
I hated going there, all the other mothers looked
- so beautiful,
so in control.
- When I entered
I took a number and sat by myself waiting
- for the nurse
to see us. Dazed I heard my number called, I
- jumped up,
composed myself and pushed the pram into
- the nurses
- Val weighed
and measured Matthew. His was doing great! Val
- quickly jotted
all the measurements into Matthew's book.
- Then she turned
and looked at me. "So how are you going
- Trish?"
Well that was it, from no where I burst into tears.
- Sure, my behaviour
had been a bit radical but I didn't know
- what was going
on. Val proceeded by giving me a list of
- symptoms and
asking me to tick which ones I felt applied to
- me. I was shocked
when I felt myself ticking one
- after the other.
The same day I was in the doctors surgery,
- I was prescribed
Zoloft and followed on with monthly visits.
- Even though
I was on anti depressants, not all was fine.
- Something was
still wrong. What? I don't know!
- But I was admitted
into hospital for a four day stay.
- The hardest
part for me was the fact that Matthew was a
- perfect little
baby. He took to the breast with no problems,
- slept well,
rarely what was my problem?
- My Symptoms
- Refer to the
'symptoms' page because I kid you not
- I was suffering
pretty much all of them. I also threatened
- to leave my
husband and child and disappear.
- The Doctors
- My doctor believed
that the following contributed to my PND.
- the trauma
of an emergency caesarean section
- Matthew having
major operation at 8 days old
- living so far
away from all family and friends
- When Matthew
was 10 months old I got a casual job and was
- feeling confident
again so I stopped taking my anti -
- depressants
without medical supervision.