Dad and his sick little boy.

Brian Mark DeToy

FATHER is defined as "one that originates or institutes," or "the founder, producer, or author of," or "to accept responsibility for."

rom Pipestone, Minnesota, Dad has maintained a small-town, farm-raised, Midwestern-commonsense outlook throughout his life. He is the bedrock upon which the nation was founded.

ptitude. Dad has it. In spades. He can do anything. Carpenter, plumber, electrician, auto mechanic. Coach baseball Braves and football Chargers; instilling a love of athletics and respect for the wonders of discipline. Teach and explain mathematics and geometry better than a university professor. Inspire a love of history and country better Lowell Thomas or Stephen Ambrose.

wo are joined. Mom is the wind in all our sails. All that we are and have become is because of the love these two continue to share. Each of our parents is unique, and wondrously so. However, together they add infinitely to each other, to their children, and to their community.

ero in Army green and civilian mufti. Dad is a devoted servant of his nation and, now, his community. He rose to the senior ranks of his profession through his demonstration of the four Cs of military leadership: competence, commitment, caring, courage (both physical and moral). Look at those four words. Dad is their personification. Today, ten years after leaving the federal service, he is just as valuable to his local community as he is to the nation as a whole.

mulate. Grandpa Camiel taught his youngest son a thing or two. Through Dad I feel a kinship with his father; I feel linked to the past. The strong, good sense of Cam resonates in Dad's life and, thus, in mine.

obert John DeToy. My Father, my guide through life, my inspiration at all times, my friend for all the days I may live.

Brian and Matthew

Brian and Mister

Brian and Berkeley

Brian, Socrates and Maggie

Is there a theme here?


Lois Arlene De Toy