Kaiser's Life

Kaiser's Life

He had too short a life,but oh what a life he had

Kaiser was our first german shepherd dog. We had no idea how intelligent and loving they were until he came into our lives. He was almost human,and he was some smooth talker. If any of you have had a "talker" you know what I mean. He could carry on a conversation with you with his many yips and yaps,and we even had to spell in front of him when we didn't want him to know what we were talking about.The hardest part of living without him is the silence that surrounds us. Our Baron is somewhat of a talker,but he is not as vocal as Kaiser was. Here are just a few pictures that have captured his life with us. I hope you can get a glimpse of his personality in viewing them.

His first day at his new home.10 weeks old.

16 weeks old

"My,what big feet you have!"

He later ate the "whole" thing.

Happy Birthday! One year old!

Kaiser and his purple piggy

3 years old

Where is that remote control?

He was our protector.No on entered our house unless he approved.

His most favorite thing in the whole world.SWIMMING!

Kaiser and Knesha hanging out in the backyard.
[Knesha's Page]
[Baron Wolf]