Baron came into our lives 2 years ago. Although no dog will ever be able to take Kaiser's place,he has filled the void that was left when Kaiser died and we do love him very much. He has the best disposition and he is such a joy to be around.As you can see in his pictures,he actually smiles. But on the other side,he is just protective enough to not let anyone get too close. He is a little ham when it comes to having his picture taken. All I have to do is get out the camera and he sits down to pose. He too likes to play. His favorite game is playing fetch with his squeaky ball.

7 weeks old

Bath Time.Not his favorite thing.

Baron and his Bear

Come on ear,I know you can do it!

6 months old

Happy Birthday Boy. One year old!

[Chances German Shepherds]
[Kaiser's Life]
[Knesha's Page]