Saundra`s Cloud of Dreams

The finer things in life aren`t things...

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I was stricken with RSD in the summer of 1998. I have included in The Green Pages,what I wrote to different message boards and emails on the net while I was going through my roughest times.I`m normally a much calmer, less sarcastic person.
LOL~It`s MY page and I can write what I want~LOL
For now,I have much less pain and am able to maneuver each day carefully. I have limitations and am constantly aware of how I walk,where I have to walk,how far I walk...and so on. Soon,I hope, I will be able to beat the Greens and RSD will become a memory.(-: I continue to meet wonderful people stricken with this awful disease.Hopefully through continued faith,patience,love and the info available,we will be able to inform more of the medical community and be able to live a painless life filled with hopes and cloudless dreams...As it should be!

~*The Green Pages*~

To feel rich,count the things you have that money can`t buy...

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Mike`s poetry
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Just me
~Good Clean Fun For Kids~

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Be pretty if you can,witty if you must...but be yourself if it kills you!

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Thank you to Kelly Shipp for answering my email questions!Visit his site:

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