The Ulster New Zealand Trust: Tour of the Ballance House


Ballance House

John Ballance was born here in 1839, in a cottage that was situated to the rear of the present restored house and part of this cottage was originally incorporated in this house which dates from the 1840s.


The Cottage Room was part of the original cottage and part of the farm buildings that were attached to the dwelling.

The family home was built in the 1840s and this is the house whose exterior has been carefully restored to its original appearance.

Inside, the original layout basically remains the same, with the exception of the area to the left on entering the front door - this was the kitchen area and this has been modified to provide space for administration and exhibitions.


Parlour To the right on entering is The Parlour. This room has been furnished in the style of 1850 when John Ballance would have been living here and it is the only room to be treated in this manner. In it hangs a photograph of Ballance as a young man. The other photograph is a portrait of his mother, Mary McNiece - the whereabouts of the original is unknown. The room is quite sparsely furnished with a sofa, a sideboard, tables and chairs - much as it would have been in John's lifetime. As his mother was a Quaker, the style would probably have been particularly plain. The existing mantelpiece has been retained and the cast-iron fireplace replaced with a similar one of the period.

On going up the stairs, the large exhibition space was originally two bedrooms, with wooden sheeting providing the partitions between the two rooms. The space above the front door was, as it is now, given to growing house plants.

Off the stairs, to the left, is 'The Wellington Room' which contains a print of Wellington at the time Ballance was Premier, donated by the Hon Michael Bassett.

A New Zealand interest library is being developed and visitors are encouraged to make use of this facility.

The next room is 'The Ballance Room' which holds displays on Ballance's life and family.

'The Cottage Room', as already mentioned, is on the site of the original cottage and farm buildings. It is entered from the yard through wooden 'barn' doors. The small barn at the north end of the yard is entered from the back. The plants outside are of New Zealand origin and illustrate the exhibition in the barn 'From Auckland to Auchnacloy - New Zealand Plants in Northern Ireland Gardens'.

The old piggery stands parallel to the main building and has been converted to offer visitors a refreshing afternoon tea. There is also a small shop in the Tea Barn.

Maori Carving Exhibitions at Ballance House include:

Facilities include:

Click here to see a list of events scheduled at Ballance House.

The Ballance House is open from April to September Tuesday to Friday 11am-5pm and 2pm to 5pm on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. Other times, by prior arrangement, are available for school parties, organised groups and research students.

118a Lisburn Road, Glenavy, Co. Antrim, BT29 4NY, Northern Ireland.
Tel: (01846) 648492; Fax: (01846) 648098.

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