The Ulster New Zealand Trust: Events and Exhibitions


The Ulster New Zealand Trust has three exhibits for loan.


Wednesday 31 March (6.30pm-8pm)
Private View of Works by Neil Shawcross and New Works by Ann Marie Robinson: Neil Shawcross is one of Ulster's finest artists. Perhaps best known for his portraits, this show reflects his interest in still life and the medium of acrylics. Ann Marie Robinson's one-off pieces of ceramic art fired with brightly coloured oxides and with silver and gold are highly collectable. The exhibition continues until 30 May.

Thursday 1 April and Friday 2 April (10am-noon)
Easter Crafts for Kids.

Saturday 1 May (11am-5pm) and Sunday 2 May (2pm-5pm)
NZ Video Festival.

Sunday 2 May (3pm-4.30pm)
NZ Video Fest Activity Afternoon for Children.

Thursday 3 June (6.30pm-8pm)
Private View of Images of New Zealand by Vivian Manthel-French: Vivian is a highly regarded NZ artist working mostly in watercolours. Her landscapes of the New Zealand countryside are much sought after as are her still life works and nudes. The exhibition continues until July.

Friday 4 June (11am-12.30pm)
Gallery Talk by Vivian Mathel-French.

Mid June - date to be announced
Ladies Night (Glenavy Civic Week Event).

Saturday 24 July (2pm-5pm)
Raspberry Tea: stalls, afternoon tea, raspberries and cream, entertainment.

Thursday 5 August (6.30pm-8pm)
Private View of Works by Local Craft Artists: Includes textile artist and member of the 62 Group, Frankie Creith, and rugmaker Alice Clark. The exhibitiion continues until 30 September.

Sunday 12 September and Sunday 26 September (3pm-4.30pm)
Activity Afternoons for Children and Entertainment for Adults.

Saturday 16 October (2pm-5pm)
Apple Day Celebration: a variety of apple activities and games, stalls, apple produce, tastings, and identification.

Thursday 28 - Friday 29 October (2.30pm-4.30pm)
Halloween Workshops for Children.

December - date to be announced (11am-4 pm)
Christmas Market

Sunday 6 February 2000
Waitangi Day Celebration

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