pansies line

The Graduates....

Pat as a senior in high school Jamie graduating from high school
Pat in 1967 as
a senior at
Skyline High in
Idaho Falls
Jamie graduating from
Skyline High in
Salt Lake City on
06 June 1991

Pat and Jamie together in 1997
Mother and son, Pat and Jamie,
on graduation day at
Salt Lake Community College
14 June 1997

Ken, who probably was guiding us through these years...
Ken as a senior in high school Ken graduating from Utah Trade Tech
Ken in 1965 as
a senior at
Skyview High
in Smithfield
Ken graduating from
Utah Trade Tech
(now SLCC) in
Salt Lake City on
02 June 1972

1999 and Now....
Zadeus & DAHstra
Convocation day, 07 May 1999,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Happy mom and son. Now where?

HOME / graduates / MY FAMILY / QUOTATIONS / FAVORITES / puzzle / France / IN MEMORY / Kenpics / GRIEF / words Together Again

06 August 1997/Updated 25 June 2002

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