A Brief of Things I Enjoy

MuffetJamie and friendsTigrrr

Jamie holding best friends to one another, Cindy, the dog (aka "Face")--Cindy died Jan. 27, 1997--we miss her every day; and Rusty, the cat (aka "Buns")--Rusty died, 11 January 2001--my heart is still broken, he tried so hard to live and we desperately wanted him to. He had a heart of gold. Muffet, our Maine Coon Cat (aka "Stretch"), died 05 Mar. 1999--he was also one of the most loving cats--he kept purring and butting heads despite his pain--at the moment, I feel quite desolate. There are no photos of Bubba-Looey (aka "Troubles") or of Tinker-Belle (aka "Stinker Dink") or of baby Simba (aka "Squirt".) Yet.

Puzzles, animals, walking along the beach by the ocean (any ocean), people, astronomy, art, history, discussion groups and laughter, and family are some of the things which interest me and give great pleasure to my life. Travelling in the U.S. whether by car, or motorcycle or plane, or abroad such as to France and Belgium have been fun also. Someday I would very much like to visit Denmark, the birthplace of my paternal grandfather.

Jamie, is my son and friend. While working on these pages for school, and now for pleasure, he has been my advisor and supporter. As a mother, I am proud as heck of him and amazed and gratified we get along so well. We are both quite fortunate that way. The four-legged residents of my home are considered our adopted "babies." Animals seem to know our home is a "safe house." Hopefully our beloved human friends feel that way too.

A variety of links to friends, family, and other interests:

DAHstra's Beginning Douglas R. Fonnesbeck Denver and Laurie Steev's Homepage
Teresa's Cyber Page Randy Foster's HomePage Diego's Cure for Net Boredom Explore Denmark
Acme Pet Cat Fanciers Volition Hansen Planetarium

skeleton hand reaching into monitor

my home is my castle
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(I appreciate people who can laugh at themselves--these images are good
examples, to me, of such whimsical humor directed towards this intense medium)

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Revised 30 July 1997/Updated 25 June 2002