Our Pets
Hi there, we have 7 cats, 2 dogs and 3 tanks of fish. Here are some pictures of our cats and dogs. Hope you enjoy them.
Thor and Harley. Thor is Wolf/Shepard mix and Harley is Huskey/Lab.
For those of you with cats:
Cat Rules
Always accompany guests
to the bathroom. It is not necessary
to do anything. Just sit and stare.
*Chairs and Rugs:
If you have to throw
up, get to a chair quickly. If you cannot
manage in time get to an Oriental rug. If
there is no Oriental rug. shag is good.
Always sleep on the human
at night so he/she cannot move around.
As often as possible. dart
quickly and as close as possible in front
of the human, especially: on stairs, in
the dark, when they first get up in the morning.
when a human is holding a
newspaper in front of them, be sure to
jump on the back of the paper.
Punchy is a Russian Blue, he's 10 years old and that makes him our old man.
Grunt is our fat cat. He weights 19 lbs. He also hates people other than us. We found him in the furnace at church. He had fallen in and all his hair was singed.
Dusty is the first cat Screaming found in the wall at work. She too does not like people.
Squeekers is a tiger abacineion. She was my mothers day gift in 97.
Our other cat is Wolfy. He's the second cat Screaming found at work. He's also Dusty's younger brother.
Lilly is an American short hair. A friend could not keep her so she ended up here. *L*
Precious, or Miss Priss. She too is an American Short hair. Her and Lilly came together and already named. *S*
Dusty and Wolfy with Screaming.
Sqeekers and Wolfy to gether.
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