You are the
guest here. *S*

Have a look around and meet our friends.

The first person to welcome us to the cuzzi...Alpine3. She wanted her picture on here. *S* She's the sweetest person, just watch your tongue around her. *LOL*

One of the first people we met face to face wasOBSESSION. Or also known as White Lace. She is great. Maybe someday Beast will let us go on a cruise. *LOL*

My favoriteTEXAN, who use to live in Texas, but lives in Kentucky making whiskey now. *S* You're a great friend and I'm glad we met r/t. *S*

One of my favorite ducks isSuper Duck. He always plays my favorite song for me. Thank you. *S* He's my bestest cyber friend.

I would like to thankLtl Devil.Without all her patience in helping me, this hp would not be. *S*

The Cuzzi Sheriff,Tazguy,he's always chasing those under aged kiddies out. *L* And since he was aMarine,He's practicaly family. *S*

Hey,Rusty AngelI told you I'd get you here.*S* Thanks for that wonderful page you did about Dylan.*S* We can't wait to meet you in r/t.

Now forBatty!!I got a question for you...Are you m/f *LOL* I guess I'll have to guess!! *L* I hope you are very happy in OHIO!! You need to come down here for a visit.

The best Mama in the cuzzi is,susant. Thank you for always caring. *S* If you ever need me just call!!

To the Mayor of Cuzziville we say...Thank you for that toy police car!!. *L*Dream Machine!!! We owe you for that one. *LOL* "Slow Down, Pull Over" We hear it in our sleep.

My Dime-a-Minute friend,DEB1. *LOL* Screaming is glad it's your bill and not ours. You need to move to Cincy soon!! *S*

A very BIG Thank you toSea Sprite and IndianaFillyYou made our weekend in Ft. Wayne wonderful!! We are so glad to have met you two and have you both as our friends. *S* I can't wait to go to New York together.

My favorite ICQ chatroom partner, Bonnie, What rumour should we start next?? *LOL* And when are you due?? *LOL*

Garat Jax, Jman, Lurking Fear ,SWEET SUE, Sherrif, EagleOne, Ebonyfire, Trainman, mung, Sweet Peach, Mountain Man, Testerosa(f), *Honey, Friendly Black Man, Ginger, Wiley , hcase, BillyMike, BUFFYand BUGZ, (fla) shark, Louisiana Lady, Country Girl,M@cLeod, Bratwoman, Lady Wynn, Wanton, baby*, DEEANA, Exhale,Winlor, Summer,Darkeyes, Vicious, Miyakie, idwtw, DnmBluEyes, Valley Girl, and July.

If you're not on here yet, Please forgive me. I'm working on this as fast as I can to get everyone here. If you would like to be on here, leave me a message in my guestbook.

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