The Parenting Corner: Cute Things Kids Say

Kids do indeed say some very interesting things. From their first words to the day they can talk to you as an adult, their logic, fascination, and wonder often makes a parent laugh, cry, or stare in amazement. I will be collecting stories and sayings from parents, as well as my own talkative child. Stories about kids of all ages are welcome!

From Rose (
I have one cute little story about my son, Bryan. It was a couple of
years ago,he was about 8. We were at a department store and they had their
in store advertisements playing. This particular one was about how Memorial
Day was very close, just around the corner and was suggesting things to
buy. Well, I saw Bryan going up and down the isles searching and looking
around the sides, I asked him what in the world he was doing??? He said
"Looking for Memorial Day!!" Then he just looked at me with that cat that
ate the canary grin. I had to laugh at him, he was so cute.

© 1997 Monica Emery
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