The Parenting Corner's General Submission Form

General Submission Form

You're welcome to use this form for pratically anything you can think of. Birth stories are always welcome, as are tips or advice about babies or toddlers. Comments or questions are welcome as well. Thanks!
Your name*
Your e-mail address*
Your URL (home page address)*
Title of your home page*

NOTE: Items with an asterisk (*) are optional. If these fields are not filled out, your submission will go under "anonymous". However, I will not be able to provide a link back to your page. It is completely up to you.

Please select the page/topic you are contributing to:

I will also include a small picture of you, your child, or something revelant to your submission. Enter the location of the picture (on your server): (optional)

Here is where you enter your submission.

Check Yes or No for permission to use your story, comments, or tip in The Parenting Corner.

© 1997 Monica Emery

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