The Parenting Corner: Pregnancy and Childbirth

Myself during my 9th
month of pregnancy


Oh, the volumes I could write about those special nine months. It is a time when a woman suddenly realizes the presence of a new life growing inside her, as well as exactly how much her skin can stretch. It is a time full of hopes and dreams, being uncomfortable, being scared, and of being a woman in the truest sense of the word.

Psssssst! I have a little secret of my own!

Into whose womb were you woven?
--311, "Freak Out"

Tips, stories, and advice
Leg Cramps
My thoughts on being/becoming a parent
Second Pregnancies


When a woman has a child, she goes from being a laboring woman into a new mother. The experience is certainly unforgettable, and while it is a physically painful thing, it is also a time when a woman becomes completely focused on herself and her child.

We are the people of skin who left water
Inside the dark womb
Inside of our mother
--311, "Taiyed"

Tips, stories, and advice Birth Stories
C-Section 101: What to Expect November 1, 1995 (Dagan's birth story) by Monica Beyer (me!)
Recovering From A C-SectionCiana's Birth Story by Crystal Hatfield
Labor Tips

Submit your child's birth story here

© 1999 Monica Emery

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