The Parenting Corner: Newborn to One Year

Myself and my son Dagan just
hours after his birth

The newborn child is a beautiful sight to behold. It is also a great mystery to new parents, and a reaffirmation of love for those who have already traveled the path. As the new parent or parents readjust their lives to accomodate this precious piece of baby, an overwhelming love is there to make it all worthwhile.

Nothing can replace the soft skin, the warm body, and the place in your arms that your baby resides in. Never will we know such unconditional love again (well, at least until the next baby!).
From a sleepy newborn to a baby with a personality all its own, your child is learning what life is like on the "outside". By three months of age, if you are lucky, your baby is sleeping through the night (well, most of it) and regulating how much breast milk or formula he or she needs. Still small enough to stay in one place, your child is beginning to notice the world and that some things happen because of him or her.
My son Dagan eating sweet potatoes at 
4 months of age

Soon, they are learning to roll over, sit up, and some early birds might even be crawling. In addition to these feats of stupendous nature, the baby might be starting solid foods (always an adventure) and drinking less breast milk or formula. Enjoy this time, because too soon your child will be running as fast as he/she can to get away from you at a diaper change.
The closer your child gets to one year, the more interesting life becomes. Childproofing is an absloute must at this time, for in the next six months your child will really be able to get into things. Eating real solid foods by the end of this stage (Cheerios, pasta, etc.) your baby is a real class act when dinner time comes around. Look for your child to be growing and experimenting with his or her environment, as well as being content in your arms.
As your baby's first year draws to a close, you look back at all of his or her accomplishments and think, "Wow. He has changed so much! Surely he'll slow down soon." Not so! A nine-month old child is learning to navigate around any room, and will be soon walking at around a year of age (of course, each child is different). As more adult food is introduced, dinner time becomes more exciting, because soon the baby will be able to eat the family dinner, too! Weaning may be a certainty in the near future, or it may be a distant thought. Whatever you decide is the right thing to do as long as both you and the baby are happy.

Tips, stories, and advice

Sleep, mommy, sleep
Feeding: From The Breast to the Table

© 1997 Monica Emery

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