The Parenting Corner: Calling All Parents: Can You Help?

Calling All Parents: Can You Help?

Here is a section for parents to write in and offer support to other parents in need of help or advice. To respond to someone, you may e-mail them directly, or you may use the submit form and I will post your reply. If you are in need of some support or advice, you can use the same submit form to write to me. Thanks!!!

Robyn (The Palk Family) asked The Parenting Corner this about potty training:
"My daughter Morgan is 3 years old. She is practically potty trained.
She wears big girl underwear during the day. Now, here's the problem, she
refuses to do No. 2 on the potty. She also has to wear pull-ups at night.
After she has her accident, she runs into the bathroom and tries to clean it
up. She tells us after she goes that she has to do "poo". How can we get her
to tell us and go on the potty?"

Wendy asked The Parenting Corner this:
"My daughter is almost 5 years old with a loving Mom & Dad who are in
their late 40's & 50's resp. With no apparent reason, she is very insecure
and refuses to let us, particularly me, out of visual range. This include
visits to be bathroom when she becomes hysterical if door is closed. Only
exception is to her daycare which she has attended for 3 years. On visits to
her older half-sister (23 years older) and to her aunt she also has insecure
episodes. Don't want as yet to subject her to psycologists - does any Mom out
there have or experienced similar problem. This is my first so I haven't a
clue. Thanx."

© 1998 Monica Emery
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