The Parenting Corner: Breastfeeding

The magnificent art of breastfeeding is the most exquisite, intimate contact between a mother and her child. It creates a bond while being a valuable gift to your child as well as yourself. A nursing mother and her child are the picture of beauty, and no matter how difficult starting out may be, the rewards are many. For many mothers, like myself, it is not even a decision that needs to be made. I naturally "knew" that I wasn't going to deny my child the absolute right of being breastfed. A woman's body is made for the act of conception, childbirth, and breastfeeding. I read books, I watched movies, and I tried to prepare myself for nursing my child, but what I experienced couldn't be written down adequately. I loved my son, and by nursing him for over a year I believe that I have given him the best possible start in life. He is happy, healthy, and very affectonate. I will never give a baby of mine formula unless it is medically necessary. This is my vow as a mother, and as a good person.

Tips, stories, and advice
Oh, that darn milk!
As much as you can
Breastfeeding in public

© 1997 Monica Emery
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