Our Big Bye-Bye in the Car

Our parents love us so much, they took us on a trip to the East Coast. We saw Delaware, Cape Cod and Maine. We had a great time. We stayed in this thing called a "pop-up trailer." It was a lot fun except there wasn't that much room. All of us dogs got tired of being so close to each other all the time. Plus, we had to be on our leashes everywhere we went. We didn't get a chance to just run around. We enjoyed the trip but we were really happy to be home! Take a look at some of the pictures!

Here's a picture of me, along with my sisters, Star and Hope. I'm on the left, Star is on the right and Hope is in the middle.

This is a picture of the ferry boat we took from Rehoboth Beach, Delaware to New Jersey. Us dogs were fine, but our parents got a little seasick.

This is a picture of one of the crabs our parents showed us. I was smart enough to leave it alone but Star and Hope kept trying to pick it up. Mom and Dad had to keep pulling them away.

While we were in Maine, Mom and Dad went on a whale watching trip out of Bar Harbor. Dogs weren't allowed on the trip, so they left us with a babysitter. She was really nice! This is a picture of a Finback whale.

This is the end of a Humpback whale breeching. Breeching is when the whale leaps out of the water, headfirst. Mom and Dad were lucky enough to see 2 whales do this!

And last but not least, a picture of a Humpback whales tail, or flukes. This particular whale got very close to our boat. The whale approached us, we didn't chase him. He just wanted to check us out and see what we were doing!

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