GreyRescue List

running dog

The place to be for people owned by retired racing GREYHOUNDS!!!!!

The Greyrescue-L is owned and operated by Jaime, a fellow retired racing greyhound owner. Greyrescue-L is an internet listserv. It is an e-mail based discussion group about retired racing greyhounds. There are a few rules for participation. You should read them over prior to subscribing to make sure that you agree with the rules and that you can abide by them. There is a link at the bottom of the page to help you subscribe to the Greyrescue-L!


Please keep this message for future reference. This list is for those of us who love our greys and want to help as many as possible find homes as nice as ours. Specifically, this list is for people who have ex-racers (or rescued or adopted AKC dogs), and/or work in greyhound rescue. We do have a few rules:

1) To unsubscribe, send a message to with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body. Do NOT send this message to the list. If you do, it won't unsubscribe you. It will, however, annoy everyone and make us cranky.

2) To send messages to the list: use the address This will send your message to everyone on the list. The greyrescue list runs on smartlist and is not munged; when hitting reply to respond to a message, make sure you check who you're responding to. By default, your response will be addressed to the sender; you'll have to manually change the To: line if you want your message to go to the entire list, or use the "reply to all" function supported by mailers like Pine.

3) As listmommy, my word is law. All listowner decisions are final. If a debate gets out of hand, I will stop it. If someone refuses to drop it, they will get a private warning, followed by a public warning for the second offense. If you still refuse to drop it, you will be asked to leave and then forcibly removed. I will not allow this list to be reduced to name-calling and personal attacks. Also, the whole pro-anti racing debate will not happen here. At all. Ever.

4) Also, there will be no public flaming. Disagreements are fine. Debates are fine. But keep it civil. If someone flames you privately, the delete key is a wonderful thing, but please let me know if you are in any way threatened or if it gets excessive. If I find out someone is flaming everyone for fun or threatening people, they will be removed.

5) Please remember that this list is intended for owners of adopted ex-racers (or AKC adoptees or rescues) and people who work in rescue. It is not for those involved in racing or AKC breeders. If you are not anti-racing, that's your business, but it stays off the list. The listowner reserves the right to unsubscribe anyone at any time for any reason. This list is going to stay friendly. Period.

6) Please observe the general rules on Netiquette. Remember that all caps is considered shouting. When replying, cut out any text that isn't relevant to what you're saying; quote only as much as you need to. We are all capable of choosing our own words, so swearing is not forbidden, but lets not make the sailors blush. Please remember that there may be minors on the list.

7) The list rules may be changed at any time and at the listowners discretion. If you have any questions or concerns, I can be contacted at or at

8) The mark [ADMIN] in the subject line is reserved for administrative announcements. Please pay special attention to any message with [ADMIN] in the subject as this denotes mailing list business or a declaration from the administrator. This is to be used only by the administrator; anyone else using this subject line will be forcibly removed.

Above all, let's make greyrescue a place we can all enjoy. I always welcome your comments and suggestions. Just remember that this is the first real list I've maintained, so be patient while I'm working out the bugs.

Please also be aware, that greyrescue-L is NOT available in digest format at this time.

To subscribe to the greyrescue-L, simply click on this link. A mail window will open (pre-addressed). Simply put "SUBSCRIBE" in the body of your message (without the quotes).


    Click here for the "Greyhound Dictionary"

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    If you have any questions about the Greyrescue-L, you can contact

  • Jaime, the

    For questions or comments about this webpage contact

  • me,

    Like I said, this is the BEST place for owners of retired racing greyhounds! Greyrescue-L provides a friendly atmosphere for people that want to learn more about caring for their retired racers. It also provides a forum for discussing the "quirks" our greyhounds have and sharing funny, heartwarming stories.

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