The following is a condensed history of the breed in Australia


In 1961 Joan Beard (SOEMIRAH) imported a dog and 2 bitches from Florence Dudman's well established line. These were Ramblersholt Trag-Pon, and the bitches Ramblersholt Da-Norbu and Ramblersholt Dzom-Tru. These were later followed by Ramblersholt Sing-Gi, a rather significant stud dog who is to be found in quite a few pedigrees, both from his English and Australian litters. These 4 all gained their titles in Australia and the first litter was born on 17/8/62 by Trag-Pon from Dzom-Tru.

There was some trouble finding show homes for the early puppies but the breed did prosper. People came into the breed only to drop out some time later.

Ann and Angie Michaelis (SINGTUK) imported RAMBLERSHOLT SONAM in 1967, he gained his title and was a rather significant stud dog during the late 60's and 70's. Extended pedigrees of the SINGTUK stock, and those kennels who have Singtuk foundations, will show his name in most pedigrees today.

Jenny Longmire (AMESEN) imported RAMBLERSHOLT RAL LOO, later a Champion, and most of the current AMESEN stock can be traced back to her also.

There were other imports also but the breed was boosted very much by the arrival in Australia of John and Yvonne Mason with Tsangpo of Coburg, Coburg Ngangpa and Jordonian Droma. The Mason's COBURG prefix was not accepted by the Australian Control and they then bred under the TASAM prefix. Both Ngangpa and Tsangpo gained their titles in Australia.

Some time later Derek and Frances Sefton of the internationally known CHESKA prefix arrived in Australia bringing with them several dogs after the rabies ban was lifted. Eng. Ch Cheska Jesta arrived in whelp to Eng. Ch. Cheska Gregor and the litter had an impact on the Australian Apso scene. Jesta later gained her title in Australia and won very well in the showring in Australia despite the brevity of her Aussie campaign.

The breed was well and truly established with imports from many leading overseas kennels, mainly from U.K. and the U.S.A. Today the breed can compete with the top dogs at BIS level and it is great that this enduring and endearing breed we love so much is so successful.


Eng .Austr. Ch. Cheska Jesta
(Eng. Ch. Verles Yangdup of Cheska x Little Star of Cheska)


All images and content are © by Sairkyi