Now that we have been living together for a while, we have found that The Fuz likes to be outside, but comes running when called because he wants his Tender Vittles. He is extremely spoiled, but he is greatly loved.
C.A.T.'s major domain is the back yard. There he attempts to protect the trees from the Blue Jays. This is an on-going battle and the tide of victory is never still. He is now learning how to avoid the dive-bombing of the Blue Jays. He is also learning to hide behind the tree, laying in wait for an unsuspecting bird at the feeder. The score is still C.A.T.-0; Birds-1.
C.A.T. has also learned to let us know when he wants outside at night. If we are asleep, we don't stay that way long. He sits at one of the cabinet doors and flips it with his paw so that it will bang.....and bang.....and bang, until someone decides to answer his call. It is very effective, because he refuses to quit until you do as he request. (Who said cats were dumb and untrainable? He has trained us well!!)
1/13/03 - He has continued his training. Now he follows me until I settle down somewhere and he launches himself into my lap and wants his chin scratched.
He has also learned that if he harasses me enough by stomping on my head when I'm asleep, I'll get up and do whatever he wants just to get him to go away!!!
Oh, he no longer likes just Tender Vittles. He now prefers cat food with gravy.
The outside birds are still dive bombing him in the spring when they have babies. They haven't figured out that he has no front claws and isn't very good at climbing trees. :)
July 3, 2007 I had to have CAT put to sleep. He was a very sick old dear. I miss him so much.
11/15/07 I wish I had another cat!!!
Here is our latest addition to our family. This is Fuzball AKA C.A.T. He showed up on my sister's doorstep in early December, 1997. He had been de-clawed and was obviously lost. He was nearly starved, too. Since my brother-in-law is allergic to cats (but loves them), they asked if we would take him. We jumped at the chance. We have been cat-less for 14 years, ever since Tweezer (my beloved Siamese) was killed by a dog. Super C.A.T. is a lover, but only tolerates petting on his own terms. He likes to look at the birds, but.......