We finally got some shots of Bobby. Here's our handsome boy. Since Bobby is not tamed, he just dares me to open the top of his cage. He will normally take off for the kitchen every chance he gets. I had Katy playing guard this time so I could get his picture and not just the empty cage.
May, 2003 - Poor Bobby! He finally gave in to old age and died. He will be greatly missed. He loved to sing and play with his ball. I am going to wait a while before I get another 'ket. His remains are buried in the flower bed, but his spirit lives on.
Bobby has a friend now, too. We have acquired Ingrid. She is completely white, but not albino. (Forgot to put the "red-eye" control on!!) Here are Bobby and Ingrid. She is quite good at keeping Bobby under control. He sometimes acts like he is love-sick. Other times, he acts like he is henpecked. 2000 - I don't know what happened, but I think Bobby got his revenge. Ingrid is gone. Now Bobby has the cage to himself.
These are the Jave Rice Finches. That's Tweetie on the left and Eddie on the right. Their coloring is almost perfect. Eddie has a little white on his head, otherwise they look like textbook birds.
Eddie escaped about two months ago. He was last seen enjoying his freedom in the blue skies of Texas. He is greatly missed.
Tweetie is gone, too. She died last year. We now have Eddie Deuce who is just as beautiful as his predecessors.
To keep Tweetie company, we have two Society Finches now. We have already gone through one false "breeding" with them. I don't know yet what sex they are, so life could get interesting!!! As soon as I can get some really good pictures of them, Bertrand and Eunice will be on the page. --- While waiting to get some good pictures of Bertrand and Eunice, they gave birth to Pinky and Brain. The best I can tell, Bertran is the mother and Eunice is the father....OOPS! Should have waited on naming those two!!! Bertrand died the other day. She became egg-bound and there was nothing we could do. Before her death though, she gave us another baby.....Buttercup! I'll try to get a picture of her/him/it up before long. I think we now have an "all male" finch population (except for Tweetie) so we may have to import a female or two. Well, with Society Finches you never know what you have. Buttercup, I think, is a female...we have 3 new babies, just now putting out feathers. Soon they will be joining the others.
Bob spends his time trying to see how much destruction he can cause in his cage, while Eddie and Tweetie are trying to see who is King or Queen of the roost! They are more entertaining than any television show. I can no longer tell which one is singing unless I am watching them. I thought I heard Tweetie really singing at the top of her little lungs the other day. When I walked into the room to watch her, I found her sitting on her perch....sound asleep. It was Bobby singing Tweetie's song.
Now all the birds are gone. We are pet-less for the first time in years.
Here is Sally the Cockatiel. The neighbor found her in our backyard. Bluejays were attacking her and had almost killed her. After the neighbors became the proud parents of twins, they asked if I would take Sally. I was happy to. She's very tame and really likes to pose. She doesn't like having to stay in her cage since the addition of Fuzball. Sally, The Great Yellowhead, gets really huffy with us if she doesn't get to sit on top of her cage every few days. So... we catch Fuzball asleep and let Sally out for a while. She then "likes" us again and lets us pet her head. Sally is still alive and well. She is our "early warning system" ... Every time the garage door goes up, Sally alerts everyone in the house by screaming until the intruder comes in!!! :)
Hanov's Budgie Madness - This is the best budgie page I've found. If you like budgies, you will really enjoy visiting this page.
Here are two more birds that make me happy....Caught them on a friendly day.......Katy and Michael
Tell me something....I'm nosey!