Altair Registered Chinese Cresteds

What's New at Altair...

August 5, 2009.

Altair's On Golden Pond, RE, CGN, CGC, TDI, AG.N.J "Katherine"

...completes her first agility title

We are very proud of Katherine and her owner/trainer, Rebecca Adams. This team has done amazingly well, emphasizing the versatility and abilities of the breed. They are shown here collecting their awards for qualifying in novice jumpers with weaves.

August 4, 2009.

Aom. Am. Can. Ch. Altair's Glenbogle "Hector"

...Captures Group First

I am so pleased to announce that Hector, handled and beautifully conditioned by his co-owner, Helene Belanger, was awarded group first at the Grey Bruce Kennel and Obedience Club Shows. Many thanks go to judge Christopher Neilson.

August 4, 2009.

Can. Ch. Altair's West Coast Swing "Wesley"

...has moved to Israel

Wesley is now being cared for and adored by his new Mom, Danielle Schilz. Wesley will soon begin his show career abroad and we look forward to hearing all about his experiences overseas.

August 2, 2009.

Altair's On Golden Pond, RE, CGN, CGC, TDI, AG.N.J "Katherine"

...completes her Rally Excellent title

Katherine and her owner/trainer, Rebecca Adams completed their Rally Excellent title in only one weekend during their first three trials with an average score of more than 90%. Katherine and Rebecca also won "High in Class" awards at all of these trials, and a subsequent "High in Class" award at a fourth trial on the same day. Many thanks go to judges Paul Oslach, Isabel Hutton and Lynne Oslach.

June 13, 2009.

Aom. Am. Can. Ch. Altair's Glenbogle "Hector"

...Captures Group Third

I am excited to announce that Hector, handled and beautifully conditioned by his co-owner, Helene Belanger, was awarded group third at the Ontario County Kennel Club Shows. Many thanks go to judge Terrill Udenberg.

April 25, 2009.

Aom. Am. Can. Ch. Altair's Glenbogle "Hector"

...Captures Group Fourth

I am proud to announce that Hector, handled and beautifully conditioned by his co-owner, Helene Belanger, was awarded group forth at the Victoria County Kennel Club Shows. Many thanks go to judge Susan Badick.

May 29, 2009.


Am. Can. Ch. Altair's Glenbogle, "Hector"
Receives Award of Merit at the Specialty
Hector is co-owned with Helene Belanger
and was handled to this win by Helene.

Judge: Mr. Steve Kelly

May 28, 2009.


Am. Can. Ch. Altair's Glenbogle, "Hector"
Awarded Best Opposite Sex at the Specialty
Hector is co-owned with Helene Belanger
and was handled to this win by Helene.

Judge: Mr. William Cunningham

May 27, 2009.


Altair's On Golden Pond, "Katherine"
Qualified in Rally Novice A at the Specialty. Katherine also completed her CGC and TDI at the same event and even won the costume contest, dressed as Princess Di :)
Katherine was beautifully trained and handled by Rebecca Adams

May 27, 2009.


Altair's Little Shop of Horrors, "Bennett"
Qualified in Rally Novice B at the Specialty. Bennett also completed his CGC and TDI at the same event.
Bennett was beautifully trained and handled by Rebecca Adams

April 4, 2009.

We have another new champion: Can. Ch. Altair's West Coast Swing, "Wesley," completed his championship in Norfolk this weekend. Wesley went Best of Breed and Best Puppy In Breed to complete his title in just three weekends. Wesley was beautifully presented by my friend Helene Belanger of Sassy Tails Dog Grooming.

February 14, 2009.


Am. Can. Ch. Altair's I Love Intrigue, "Insoo"
Finishes her American title with a four point American specialty major:
Insoo is co-owned with Echo Rummel and Frank Gilmer
and was skillfully handled to this win by Echo Rummel.

Judge: Pat Franklin

November 1, 2008.


Can. Ch. Altair's National Velvet, "Maya"
Takes Best Opposite Sex:
Maya is co-owned with Sharon Richman and was beautifully handled by Dawn Lisabeth.

Judge: Sari Tietjen

August 29, 2008.

We have another new champion: Am. Can. Ch. Altair's Glenbogle, "Hector," completed his American championship in Texas this weekend. Hector was beautifully presented by Amy Thompson of Legends Cresteds. Hector is co-owned with my wonderful friend Helene Belanger.

August 9, 2008.

We have a new champion: Can. Ch. Altair's Thoroughly Modern Millie, completed her championship at the Kilbride Show. Millie, co-owned with Susan Brookes, was conditioned and presented by my good friend Helene Belanger.

August 6, 2008.

Thanks to Carol, Mark and Theresa Baldwin, we now have a new addition to the Altair Cresteds, SBIS Am. Ch. Whispering Ln See Me Boogie S.O.M. Boogie is co-owned with my dear friend, Echo Rummel, and we both feel very fortunate and honored. As many of you know, I have admired Boogie since first seeing him years ago at a specialty when I travelled down to the USA. The Baldwins, were so very welcoming to Echo and I during our stay in Missouri. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed their kindness and hospitality.

June 28, 2008. We have a new litter, born today at Altair:

Sire: Can. Ch. Marbels Tage at Rosens.
Dam: Can. Ch. Altair Fire Witch Heliomancer.

Last Updated September 4, 2009.