believe we all have our own
guardian angel watching over us
"It is very important
to pray for others,
because when you
pray for someone,
an angel goes and
sits on the shoulder
of that person."
-The Virgin Mary, to the
children at Medjugorje-
are very
down to earth
know how
to light the way
angel is someone who raises your spirits!
A True Friend
have no
need of wings,
they soar aloft
on the strong
current of love
All God's angels
come to us disguised
that you
do not look down
on one of these little ones.
For I tell you that
their angels in heaven
always see the face
of my Father in heaven.
(Matthew 18:10)
angel of the Lord encamps around
those who fear Him,
and he delivers them. (Psalms 34:7)
the Son of man
shall come in his glory,
and all the holy
angels with him,
then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory. (Matthew 25:31)
the winds,
your angels go before you. (Psalms 104)
Are not
all angels
ministering spirits sent
to serve those who will
inherit salvation?
Hebrews 1:14
has their own angel.
In the
last day,
GOD will send forth
his angels to gather
his chosen ones before
the destruction of this earth..
Matthew 24
I tell
you, there is
rejoicing in the presence
of the angels of God
over on sinner who repents. Luke 15:10
angel appears to be just like everybody else, only more so.
Someone Dies,
An Angel Is There
To Meet Them
AtThe Gates,
To Let Them Know
That Their Life
Has Just Begun
we were all like angels,
the world would be a heavenly place.
don't run away from life,
they fly towards it.
And then there are such things as love divine,
Bright and immaculate, unmixed and pure,
Such as the angels
think so very fine. " Lord Byron
Are Speaking To All Of Us...
Some Of Us Are Only Listening Better
angel is
a heavenly host.
If You
Seek An Angel With An Open Heart.....
You Shall Always Find One
sky is the limit
to an angel.
light the way for us in times of darkness.
no matter how
humble he may be,
has angels to
watch over him.
They are heavenly,
pure and splendid,
and yet they have been
given us to keep us company on our way. Pope Pius XII
of the Lord, appeared to them,
and the Glory of the Lord
shone around them,
and they were terrified.
But the Angel said to them,
"Do not be afraid,
I bring you good news of great joy
that will be for all of the people.
Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born to you;
He is Christ The Lord Luke 2:10-12