believe we all have our own
guardian angel watching over us
Guardian Angel Prayer
Angel of God,
my Guardian dear,
to whom His love
commits me here,
ever this day ,
be at my side,
to light and guard,
to rule and guide.
If men
were angels,
no government would be necessary.
If angels were to govern men,
neither external nor internal controls
on government woud be necessary. James Madison
Sends us angels
to lighten our hearts,
to guide us and help us
to love one another,
to nurture and pray for us,
to brighten each day for us,
and we call these angels
are like children,
who stand in need of masters
to enlighten us and direct us;
and God has provided for this,
by appointing his angels,
to be our teachers and guides. -Saint Thomas Aquinas
promote closeness and foster tenderness.
know how to light the way.
Angels have a
hidden agenda....LOVE.
In large matters and small,
angels help to smooth our paths
for us. They enrich our lives
with joy, peace, and love. And they
are great company! What more
could one ask of a friend?"
The very presence of an angel is communication.
Even when an angel crosses our path in silence,
God has said to us,
"I am here.
I am present in your life."
-Tobias Palmer
Are not all
angels ministering spirits
sent to serve..?
Saint Francis de Sales
Silently , one by one, in the
infinite meadows of Heaven
Blossomed the forget-me-nots
of the Angels "
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Angels believe
in miracles.
I say Angels ARE Miracles.
for the sake of being loved
is human,
but to love for the sake of loving
is Angelic. Alphonse de Lamartine
"Turning a problem over to
God and His angels can
yield surprising results."