3sofar |
I use a dry pail with wet diapers in one pail and soiled diapers in another. I shake off any loose feces into the toilet and put the dirty diaper into the pail as is. On occasion, if the mess is extremely bad, I may dunk the diaper into the toilet, but I don't make a habit of it. Sometimes I soak the diapers in the washing machine depending on the number of messes we had.
I run a cold water wash with my regular detergent and baking soda, washing soda, or borax. I may let this sit for a bit, or even over night. After this cycle is finished I add in my wet diapers with more of my regular detergent, and a Downy ball full of white vinegar and set the cycle to wash on hot. Sometimes I will do an extra rinse, but not usually. I haven't had much of a problem with stains, but if I do the best treatment is sunshine. I let the diapers dry on the line. If they are stubborn stains, I just dab a bit of diluted lemon juice on the stain and put it back in the sun. Then I rewash these. I do not usually worry about stains, as long as I know my diapers are clean and smell fresh.
I rinse a poopy cover right away, but for regular wear I just alternate covers and let them air dry in between uses. I then wash the covers and diapers together. I have found that covers stay much nicer and last longer if air dried.
andaste |
Everything goes in a dry bucket (rubbermaid trashcan), and every other night I throw it into a cold soak in the washer with Arm & Hammer detergent (and sometimes washing soda). The next morning I put it through a cold wash cycle, then a hot cycle with A&H detergent, then a hot cycle with no detergent and with 1/2 cup of vinegar to rinse soap out. I dry in the dryer. I haven't had any stains yet. I wash the covers in a separate cold wash, then hang to dry.
fernpie |
I have one dry pail, wash every other day, with first a short cold cycle and then a long hot cycle.
kanggah |
I flush the disposible liner if it has poop. I know they're supposedly non-flushable, but we haven't had a problem yet (knock wood). If there is no poop, it goes in with the dipes to get washed until it looks ratty, then we throw it away. All dipes go in the same bucket, wraps put aside for hand-washing. No soaking. I wash every 2-3 days - When I was BF'ing, I would pre-rinse the poopy diapers by themself on cold with plain water (instead of dunking), then add the others and continue.
First wash: 12 minute (full) regular cycle on cold with 1/2 cup Amaze, 1 cup non-chlorine color-safe bleach (when I remember), and a scoop of regular family laundry detergent. Second wash: 12 minute cycle on hot with a scoop of Ivory Snow. I dry on delicate about 90 minutes. I hand wash the used covers when needed with Zero and hang to dry.
Washing methods we've tried and discarded:
Overnight soak--it doesn't seem to make a difference and I heard prolonged soaking can cause excessive pilling.
A&H So Clean super washing soda & vinegar rinse--it seemed to be causing a strange odor in the dipes. Since we switched to Amaze and cut the vinegar, it has definitely improved. And with the Ivory Snow, they still come out soft. My son has no problems with the perfumes and softener in it, and the dipes have not lost any absorbency.
kimberlyf0 |
We use dry pail, and I wash every 2-3 days. I put poopy diapers in the washer at night and do a cold wash with 1/4 cup detergent and 1/4 cup washing soda. I leave the washer lid up so it stops after agitating; this way I get a nice long soak overnight to help elimintate stains. In the morning I put the lid down and the cycle finishes, then I add the wet diapers and do a wash on hot with a cold rinse. To this load I add 1/4 cup detergent and 1/4 cup washing soda, plus I put vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser. When this load is done I do a warm rinse in plain water. My diapers come out very sweet smelling and I only get stains when I've used diaper rash cream (poopy dipes only).
lita_r |
We are on a septic system, so my routine is geared towards not flooding the septic tank with too much water at once. I do diapers every 2-3 days for my one toddler. This will ramp up when our newborn arrives in July. I use a single 54 qt. diaper pail and two white laundry bags from Target, alternating laundry bags, for the wet diapers. For the soiled diapers, I use the small mint-green diaper bag from Dy-Dee. Before adding wet and soiled diapers and washable liners to the bags, I add some baking soda to the diaper bag to help with odors. I can usually anticipate which diapers will be soiled, so for those I use a Kushies flushable/biodegradable liner. If I am out running errands, then I flush the liner. If I am at home, being on a septic system, I shake the liner over the toilet, and then dispose of it wrapped in some TP in the covered trash pail. If I didn't use a disposable liner, I shake as much of the feces off the diaper into the toilet as I can, and I might dunk.
At wash time, I dump the soiled diapers into the washer along with the bag, turned inside out, and the baking soda that was in the bag. I put this on a low cold wash with some Bi-O-Kleen soap. (Hot water sets stains.) I will only have 3-5 soiled dipes in 2-3 days. I leave the lid up so the cycle stops before the rinse cycle, thus allowing a good long soak. I soak for 4-6 hours in the late afternoon. Then I reset the timer to agitate a few minutes more, close the lid, and finish the cycle. Then I add the wet diapers and run it (high water-level) on a cycle with hot water and two rinses with 3/4 measure of Bi-O-Kleen soap and a Downy ball half-full of white vinegar. I dry the clean diapers on high in the dryer in the morning. I started off also pre-soaking the wet diapers, but realized all that was doing was using more water and adding wear and tear to my washer. So now wet diapers just get washed on hot with 2 cold rinses.
For soiled Prorap covers, I rinse them in the sink and throw them in the diaper bag and wash them along with the diapers, then air dry. Wet covers are air dried and used a few times, then when I do a load of family laundry I round them all up and do them with our clothes and air-dry.
mom2lama |
I wash about twice a week and use 2 dry pails (one for wets, one for dirties).
peepsmack |
I live in an apartment so have only coin-operated machines. I use one dry pail, a Diaper Champ. It's sort of small, but when it's full it's the *perfect* size for a load. I don't do any icky toilet dunking. I use flushable liners (these can stand up to a couple washings if they're not poopy). If a dipe is particularly messy, I might rinse and hand scrub with a squirt of Era until the water runs clear-ish. Anyway, I do one cold wash with Era and about 1/2 cup of washing soda. I throw my covers and pail liner in this wash too. When that's done I pick out my covers, pail liner, and any of the diaper liners I see and then I do a hot wash with just a little bit more of Era and a Downy ball a little more than 1/2 full of white vinegar. Then I throw the diapers in the dryer (they never get dry in my stupid dryer) and hang them up on a wood rack to finish drying when they're done. If I do it in the morning, they can catch a little sun on the balcony so occasionally I can sun out any stains. My dipes are doing well with this system!
riverguide |
I wash once a week. Two regular cycles in hot per load, with some Dr. Bronners Lavendar scented soap thrown in the end. I dry in the dryer now, but when it warms up will line dry. :)
swilcut |
Washing is nothing! I use 2 pails--one for wet and one for dirty. I don't dunk diapers, either. Just throw the whole thing in the poopie pail and shut the lid. Pooped diapers get pre-washed on warm with borax, then run through regular cycle with the wet diapers.
tara62 |
I wash on cold with detergent or soap, then I wash on hot with detergent or soap. After that I pour 1/2 cup of white vinegar into the washer. I start the cycle on cold again to agitate and get a clean rinse. Toss in dryer until dry. I wash covers with soap in the machine and hang to dry.
tntwalter |
I use a dry pail. I soak overnight with washing soda ,then wash on warm w/A&H Free and Washing Soda. I remove the covers and AIOs and wash dipes again on hot w/A&H Free & vinegar in the rinse.