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Diapering Systems


I don't have one "system." I have a bunch of different diapers, and use each as it pleases me. My criteria for how I like a diaper are effectiveness, durability, and comfort. I have 1 doz. Proservice 4-8-4 prefolds (blue stitching), 1 doz. Mother-Ease Popolinos (with six liners), 2 Mother-Ease Sandies and 2 Poochies. The covers I have are: 4 Alexis Featherlites (snap-up and pull-on), 2 Mother-Ease Air-Rikkas, 2 Aristocrats, 2 Bummi Industrial Whisper Wraps, 1 wool Nikky, 1 wool ABC Stitches wrap and 1 fleece ABC Stitches wrap. (Help! I can't stop buying covers!)

Prefolds are durable, comfortable and absorbent. They're quite effective pinned with an Alexis or Air-Rikka cover. Pinned prefolds tie with pops for second-to-top effectiveness. A prefold with a Bummi wrap is almost as effective, but not as comfy. Prefolds with Nikky or ABC Stitches wraps are least effective, though the ABC Stitches wraps get high marks for comfort (not for versatility though; not very many clothes fit over them). Prefolds with the wool Nikky are least comfortable, even though the Nikky is breathable.

Pops are durable, comfortable and absorbent. Both prefolds and pops should fit over a large size span. Pops are most effective with Alexis or Air-Rikkas, although I stick them under ABC Stitches wraps and they fit and work fine. I've never tried putting them under other wraps, since the wraps aren't as effective or comfortable. For nighttime I use a pop with a liner under an Aristocrat and have never had a leak (he's a light night-wetter).

Sandies win on durability, comfort and effectiveness. However, they're not one-size, so I'd need twice as many, and pops do perfectly well. So they lose on practicality.

Poochies win on cuteness and almost win on comfort and effectiveness, but lose on durability. Flannel will wear out faster than the prefolds or the Mother-ease. Plus, the flannel disperses the wetness over the whole diaper, so everything is wet. The prefolds do this the least, the Mother-ease do it more than prefolds but less than flannel.


We use primarily Gerber 4x8x4 prefolds during the day and pops and miscellaneous fitted at night and for outings. I love WAHM products and think they are better fitted diapers and covers than a lot of the name brand ones.


We are using DSQ newborn prefolds (Proservice & Gerber) pinned with small Dappi velcro covers from Target and a small Bummi whisper wrap. I have DSQ Proservice regular and toddler sized prefolds and Alexis snap covers (size small and up) to use when she grows into them.


My system right now is homemade prefolds (made by me and I love them) and Dappi velcro covers (because they were cheap and available locally). Dappis work good, but I'm not thrilled with them. I just swapped for a Bummi and a Nikky and can't wait to try them. We also use a WAHM wool soaker at night. I've just started trying fitted diapers and like them, but we only have a couple. I'm going to try making some myself next week. We are doing cloth on a tight budget, so anything I can make cheap is great.


Now I am just using prefolds with a wool or cotton Nikky.


I use a diaper service, which I find invaluable. And since I love to shop, I'm trying out all different types of wraps. I like Nikkys (cotton and wool), Prorap Classics, Bumkins, and Biobottoms.


I use Nikkys, Bikini cut Biobottoms and Snugglebottoms/Rainbow contours. I love how trim this looks--no big diaper butt. My biggest frustration was when I tried to experiment and I tried ME and Classic Cuts, both which I thought were way to bulky! My problem is that I want to try all of the great stuff you all talk about but nothing works as well as my 100% cotton Nikkys for me...oh well!


Right now, my favorite system is fitted diapers and wool covers. My daughter is sensitive to other waterproof fabrics and wool is so soft and breathable.


The nighttime system we use is a Cotton Baby diaper with a really good contour doubler and an Aristocrat. Before we had the CBaby, we would get leaking through the Aristocrat. I find the Cotton Baby to be super absorbent. Patty at Cocoa's Closet was extremely helpful in working with me to solve this problem. The Cotton Baby diapers are designed a little differently, and dry very quickly in the dryer. They have two inner liners (one attached to the front and one attached to the back; flannel on one side, terry on the other). The Velcro closure is kind of unique. The contour doubler helps a great deal.


I use prefolds. I had 2 dozen hourglass diapers for when my children were little. I covered them with Nikkies or Diaperraps, and also have some Dappis (OK and cheap but not for night time). I still use prefolds, and the covers I have are Litewraps, Diaperraps, Snapiwraps, and old Dappis, if I run out. I just got Daisy Diapers for night time which I use with 2 doublers (Daisy diapers and another English brand) and I top it off with a Litewrap. I am waiting for my Bumkins vented covers and just picked up some Gerber covers for $1.50 each at a garage sale.


We use prefolds with wraps mostly with the occasional fitted dipe, though I don't find them any easier, just better at containing leaks. We night diaper with a Sandy's, newborn prefold, and Aristocrat. Favorite covers are the Wabby (Gore-tex), Biobottom wool, and wool soakers, though I use something more waterproof (such as the polyester Nikky or Gerber EZ wrap) when others will be holding baby.


Our favorite system depends on the developmental stage J's at: prefold and wraps as a newborn, fitted diapers (ME Pop's & JennyOh's) for awhile, back to prefolds and wraps for a few weeks, and on occasion when J won't sit still for more than a second, fitted diapers again. A have a few ME AIO's for when we are out and about and he's not sitting still. These are really easy to snap while J's standing in the car.


I am using ME Popolinos (bought used) or Proservice prefolds during the day, and Sandys and an Aristocrat or Darla's fleece cover at night. I am still experimenting with wraps. Airflows are too tight on his legs. Alexis are OK, but I would like somthing more breathable. Favorite wraps are Ultrex made by SAHM in WA and pull on light wool "sweater" by Lin. If I had it to do it over again I'd get more SAHM diapers. I have one Jennyoh and one Darla diaper and love them as well as the concept! But the Pops fit great and wear well so I hope to keep them going for #2 to be!


We are using Mother-Ease Popolinos w/liner with one of several covers: ME Airflow, Alexis snaps, or Gerber pull-ons. I love all the covers and we just rotate them. I do like the fact that the Airflows don't sound "plasticky-crunchy" like the others. But they are all very nice. The only obstacle we found was that our daughter's legs are skinny. I tried a Bumkin AIO at first and was very disappointed because it just didn't fit around her legs. Otherwise, we LOVE our cloth diapers.


My favorite system includes Chinese prefolds with Dritz pins and Litewrap covers as well as Mother-ease Sandys with Alexis snap covers or an aristocrat at night. Happy Diapering!


For daytime, around the house we use Kooshies Classics. Out and about, we add a Kooshies or Nikky cotton or Bummi Industrial cover. Occasionally, we pop in an extra Kooshies doubler if we think it'll be inconvenient to change as frequently. For night, we use 2 doublers or a pre-fold inside a Baby Software organic with a Kooshies or Bummi Industrial cover. Colin is a heavy wetter, and since we started using a prefold the diaper is hardly ever wet to the outside. Day or night, we also use Gerber disposable liners to make poop clean-up easier. For wipes, at home, we use black velour (so soft) facecloths I found on liquidation at Walmart and plain old water. When travelling we do use Pampers wipes, and if travelling more than 4 days with no access to a washer/dryer, we use Tushies diapers. We have to change the Tushies a lot more often to prevent leaks, so we do prefer to bring our cloth dipes whenever possible.


Our basic system is ME Sandys (and liners) with Dappi pull-ons, although we are looking for better covers. We use Ultra Kushies when we go out and I really love AIOs. I use cloth wipes both at home and when we're out.


I have mostly DSQ 4-8-4 prefolds and Prorap covers, but also some toddler-sized prefolds for nighttime diapering of my 2 yr old, a few AIOs for babysitters, an Aristocrat, two Sandy's and a Popolino, and two Polar Babies fleece covers, which I ADORE. Our diaper service provided Proraps and prefolds, and I liked them so I continued using the same after starting to do my own.


I have grown to favor the DSQ prefolds that I started with, even after trying more-expensive "diapering systems"; but we do use Mother-ease Popolino diapers at night.


First, I bought about 18 Gerber DSQs to see how hard diapering would be. I decided it wouldn't be too hard and I wanted fitted diapers but didn't want spend so much money, so I got the Better Baby Diaper pattern and adapted it. I made about two dozen flannel, snap to fit diapers with terry pads that insert into the middle. I later decided to try other prefolds, which I LOVE. I have 1/2 dozen 4x6x4 prefolds I got from our local diaper service for day time, and I got 1 dozen Chinese cotton toddler sized prefolds for night time. I use ME Airflow covers (my favorite), Prorap classics and Prorap snap classics. I use Gerber EZ liners to make the soiled diapers easier to care for. When I have another baby I will probably buy Chinese cotton newborn prefolds and make some smaller fitted diapers.


I started out with Mother-ease Popolinos or "one-size" diapers and Sandy diapers for night, and for covers I used Air Rikkas or Air Flows, same product just a new name. I decided I wanted to go with Sandies full-time, and when I started to sell my pops to switch over, I heard about Nikky's and how they can be as trim as a disposable. Since my daughter had trouble fitting into her clothes and I missed her tiny baby butt I decided to switch to these and snugglebottoms/snugglups and/or Diaper Gang dipes. They are cute little prefold/contour type diapers but have clever little gathers around the legs. I am now in the middle of the transition but I think they are going to work out just great. I just need to decide on the best version of this diaper for us. We use cloth washcloths as well. Wow, how luxurious for baby!


We primarily use prefolds and Biobottoms wool covers on Ian, though we do supplement with Bumkins vented and the occassional fitted diaper with Dappi cover or Aristocrat and a few AIO dipes for outings.

Our second child is expected any day and we have tons of covers and prefolds/washcloths (to be used as infant prefolds) waiting for her as well as several AIO's and medium Jenny oh's on order. She should be well supplied until she fits into Ian's outgrown diapers.


I have used about every type of cover there is and now only use Bumkins Vented Covers with Proservices prefolds during the day. I used Barefoot Baby flannel/terry diapers when he was tiny and really loved them, but they were not durable enough for more than a few months. Our nighttime systems consists of Mother-Ease Sandies or Pop/One-size diapers with 2 liners and an Alexis Featherlite Snap Cover (used to use air-flows, but love Alexis better!).


System On my 2 year old, I just use Gerber 4-8-4 prefolds and Gerber EZ covers. I'm moving toward Prorap buckles because Houdini-boy takes his dipes off now. At night I just throw in a natural baby doubler and put him in a wrap without the mesh lining inside (to avoid the pee-smell in the morning) and he is RARELY, if ever, damp in the morning. On my 3 month old, I have so many different types of dipes (LOL!) I just use whatever's on top. My favorites though, are Babykins with an Alexis Snap Pant, Dr Sweb with a Snap Pant or Litewrap for overnight, and the old standby...Gerber prefold (4-6-4 on him) and a Gerber EZ Wrap.


For my 14 month old, I use Pops and ME snap covers. She's almost outgrown the Pops, and I don't know what I'm going to use next - there don't seem to be as many options for bigger babies. We also have a foster baby that we hope to adopt. I'm using newborn prefolds and Nikkys with her until she grows into the Pops.


I use a diaper service for $50.00 per month. We use cotton pre folds and now use Prorap classics, but I am looking into Imse Vimse and/or Polar Babies. When she was smaller, we used some cotton covers that worked okay. I like the Prorap because I could just wipe the inside clean if provided she didn't leak onto the outside. Then I could use them a few more times before washing. However, my little Jussie is quite a heavy wetter and really can go through the nappies. So we need something stronger.


We use prefolds, hourglass, and Kooshies Wool AIO's with Bummis Industrial, Cot'n'wraps, Snapiwraps, and SAHM Wool soakers. At night I use a prefold with a folded birdseye dipe as a double in either a Bummi or a Snapiwrap.


Fortunately, I've found DSQ prefolds now. (I can't find fitted diapers that aren't too bulky for my very skinny baby.) And Nikky wraps fit him beautifully. I've learned I can even use the cheapo diapers doubled. I'm still looking for the perfect night diapering system, and trying to work up the courage to give up the disposables on outings.


I own 2 dozen Size 2 Daisy diapers, 8 one-size Daisy fleece covers, and a Daisy Wool Cover for Night. For the next baby I have 4 dozen rainbow-variety Sweet Peas!


We use primarily Sandys, some Pops, and Poochies. For covers we use Air Flows and Bottomware (in summer).

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