I love angels. They are so beautiful. People are always debating over whether or not they are real. I think if you really believe hard enough, you'll find yours. I think my angel is my daughter Caitlin. She is our miracle child. We thank god everyday for sending us this special angel to care for!

I hope you enjoy these beautiful angel pictures. These are not my graphics. I found them while looking at oher peoples pages. Please look at my link page to find out where I found these angels.

Everyone gets an angel . . .
you can't always see them, because
sometimes, they are invisible.
sometimes they are your pet when
he kisses you . . .
sometimes they are a small
treasure you find . . .
an angel might even be your friend.
those angels are quiet, but what they
are really saying is: pink clouds!
a good day is just around the corner.
so if you begin to worry too much,
just remember . . .
somewhere an angel is looking out for you, too.
Author unknown

My grandparents passed away a couple of years ago. They were a true inspiration to everyone who knew them. My grandfather Fred Barfield started many churches in the S.C. area. He ministered for as long as I can remember, even if it was just to us kids sitting on the back porch. My grandmother was saved at the age of 14, and was still living for God when she left us. 7 out of their nine children are saved, three of their sons are ministers, including my dad. I wonder if these two wonderful people will ever know how much they meant to all the people who knew them, or if they know how much I really loved them!

My sister has to be one of my best friends in the whole world. There is a bond there that sprang up the last couple of years. I adore my baby sister and would do anything for her, and I know she feels the same.

This reminds me of singing in church. My dad always made sure we were in church rain or shine. My dad has always been a inspiration to me. He has always been there for me. I love my dad so much. There are no words to describe how much he has meant to me and inspired me.

I want to thank my cousin Sandra. I saw her homepage and knew I had to get a computer. After I got it she really helped me out, and helped me understand computer language! No small feat.

Don't let me forget my two baby brothers, I love them dearly. My brother Howie got married. I now have a new sister, and a beautiful little nephew.

This one is for my best friend in the whole world. Even though we are many miles apart and don't talk everyday, I know she will always be there for me.

I haven't got my second phone line hooked up yet, so this one is for all of my good friends I have been neglecting, since I got my computer.

Last but not least, the most important people to me, my family. My husband, Rock. My wonderful, caring, and bright son Brandon, and my beautiful daughter Caitlin. They truly are the wind beneath my wings!

I guess I was wrong, there are more angels in my life than I thought. I guess it all comes down to what we believe. Each and every one of these people are angels to me in their own way.

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