Jean-Pedro Lesieur (1780-1854) came to Canada as a member of the De Meuron Regiment, which fought in the War of 1812. His wife, Marie-Esther Tremblay was the g-g-granddaughter of Genevieve Gagne (1686-1731), while his granddaughter Philomene Bellefleur married Joseph Gagner; therefore, there is a tie-in to the Gagne family at "both ends".

Outline of the Lesieur Family
Jean-Pedro Lesieur (1780-1854)
+Rose Papineau (1794-1815)
..Marguerite Lesieur (1814)
  +Francois Labrecque
Second wife of Jean-Pedro Lesieur
+Marie-Esther Tremblay
..Marie-Louise Lesieur (1817-1820)
..Marie-Caroline Lesieur (1819-1840)
  +Jean-Baptiste Beaugrand-Champagne
..Marie Lesieur (1820-1898)
  +Maxime Bacon (1820-1854)
..Maxime Lesieur dit Petro (1824)
  +Marceline Boilard
..Jean-Baptiste Lesieur (1826-1836)
..Jacques Lesieur (1828-1831)
..Francois Lesieur (1829)
..Eleanore Lesieur (1831-1907)
  +Francois-Xavier Bellefleur (1828-1879)
  Second husband of Eleanore Lesieur
  +Antoine Laurent (1818-1898)
..Cyprien Abraham Lesieur (1834)
Third wife of Jean-Pedro Lesieur
Francoise Gobiel [Robillard]
..Marie-Louise Lesieur (1840-1840)
..Joseph-Octave Lesieur (1843-1843)
..Joseph-Edouard Lesieur (1843)

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