The Gagners originated as the Gasnier family in St. Come-de-Vair, France. Two brothers, Pierre (1610-1656) and Louis (1612-1661) immigrated to Quebec, becoming "Gagne" in the process (there are two good sites for the Gagne family history, that of Rev. John Gagnier and that of Peter Gagne). The name changed once more, to "Gagner", when my branch came to the United States. My great-grandmother was Marie Philomene Gagner (1873-1955), born in St. Urbain, Quebec. Her father, Joseph (1846-1926) was born in St. Luce, near Rimouski. The family immigrated in 1875, and lived for a time in Plattsburgh, New York before moving on to Muskegon, Michigan. They eventually settled in Bay City, Michigan.

Outline of the Gagner Family

1 Christophe Gasnier
..2 Louis Gasnier (b. before 1587)
  +Marie Launay (?-1640)
....3 Noel Gasnier (1605)
....3 Jacques Gasnier (1607)
....3 Pierre Gagne (1610-1656)
    +Marguerite Rouzee (1615)
......4 Jacques Gagne (1640)
......4 Jean Gagne (1640-1648)
......4 Louis Gagne-dit-Bellevance (1643-1698)
      +Louise Picard (1659-1716)
......4 Pierre Gagne (1645-1726)
      +Catherine Daubigeon (1653-1712)
......4 Nicolas Gagne (1651-1687)
......4 Marie-Marguerite Gagne (1653-1720)
      +Martial Sauton (?-1672)
      Second husband of Marie-Marguerite Gagne:
      +Pierre Lefebvre
....3 Louis Gagne (1612-1661)
    +Marie Michel (1620-1687)
......4 Louis Gagne (1639-1643)
......4 Louise Gagne (1642-1721)
      +Claude Bouchard (1626-1699)
........5 Francois Bouchard (1674-1756)
        +Marguerite Simard (1684-1756)
........5 Rosalie Bouchard (1676-1733)
        +Etienne Simard (1669-1750)
......4 Marie Gagne (1644-1717)
      +Andre Berthelot-dit-Leloutre (1638-1687)
      Second husband of Marie Gagne:
      +Jacques Abelin
......4 Pierre Gagne (1647-1710)
      +Louise Faure (1639-1714)
........5 Pierre Gagne-dit-Bellevance (1670)
        +Louise Proulx (?-1721)
        Second wife of Pierre Gagne:
        +Marguerite Malboeuf
........5 Jean Gagne (1672)
        +Madeleine Langlois
......4 Olivier Gagne (1649-1730)
      +Isabelle Pepin (1662-1738)
......4 Louis Gagne-dit-Bellevance (1651-1698)
      +Marie Gagnon (1659-1722)
......4 Anne Gagne (1653-1723)
      +Francois Lacroix (1641-1710)
......4 Ignace Gagne (1656-1702)
      +Barbe Dodier (1665-1689)
........5 Louise Gagne (1683-1747)
        +Gabriel-Robert Dufour (1681-1725)
..........6 Barbe Dufour (1711)
          +Etienne Simard (1700-1759)
..........6 Ignace Dufour (1712-1762)
          +Marie-Reine Tremblay (1712-1758)
..........6 Joseph Dufour (1714-1774)
          +Marie-Anne Tremblay (1727)
..........6 Gabriel Dufour (1717)
          +Genevive Tremblay (1720-1755)
          Second wife of Gabriel Dufour:
          +Madeleine Boissonneault (1737-1808)
        Second husband of Louise Gagne: 
        +Guillaume Boily (1682-1764)
........5 Genevieve Gagne (1686-1731)
        +Louis Gonthier (1679-1729)
..........6 Genevieve Gonthier (1706-1744)
          +Joseph Tremblay (1706-1792)
............7 Joseph-Marie Tremblay (1733-1807)
            +Marie-Josephte Guilbeault (1743-1771) 
..............8 Francois Tremblay (1763)
              +Victoire Gauthier (1780)
................9 Marie-Esther Tremblay (1794-1837)
                +Jean-Pedro Lesieur (1780-1854)
        Second husband of Genevieve Gagne:
        +Philippe Savard
........5 Jacques Gagne (1688)
        +Helene Perron (1694-1755)
      Second wife of Ignace Gagne: 
      +Louise Tremblay (1669-1744)
........5 Ignace Gagne (1690-1759)
        +Angelique Dufour (1695-1768)
..........6 Gabriel Gagne (1719)
          +Genevieve Simard (1726-1750)
          Second wife of Gabriel Gagne:
          +Marie-Madeleine Duchene (1728)
..........6 Ignace Gagne (1721-1788)
          +Agathe Perron (1729-1783)
............7 Rosalie Agathe Gagne (1750)
            +Louis Rodrigue (1752)
..............8 Angelique Rodrigue
..............8 Louis Rodrigue
..............8 Joseph Rodrigue
..............8 Marie-Angelique Rodrigue
..............8 Marie-Agathe Rodrigue
..............8 Marie-Genevieve Rodrigue
..............8 Therese Romaine Rodrigue
..............8 Joseph Rodrigue
............7 Joseph Ignace Gagne (1752-1816)
            +Felicite Tremblay (1759)
..............8 Francois Gagne (1776)
              +Genevieve Julie Lavoie (1784)
..............8 Marie-Anne Gagne (1778)
..............8 Marie-Helene Gagne (1779)
..............8 Theotiste Gagne (1780)
..............8 Jean Gagne (1782)
              +Marie-Constance Bouillon
..............8 Joseph-Olivier Gagne (1782)
..............8 Marie-Genevieve Gagne (1786)
..............8 Barthelemy Gagne (1788) 
              +Genevieve Volant-Dechamplain (1792-1853)
................9 Joseph Gagne (1823)
                +Marcelline Gagne-dite-Bellavance (1821-1858)
..................10 Joseph A. Gagner (1846-1926)
                  +[Marie] Philomene Bellefleur (1857-1929)
....................11 Marie Philomene Gagner (1873-1955)
                    +Joseph Albin Cyr (1865-1924)
                    Second husband of Marie Gagner: 
                    +Herbert D. Merritt (1871-1949)
....................11 [Marie] Marceline Gagner (1875-1944)
                    +Phillip Columbus (1872)
......................12 Marie Beatrice Columbus (1906-1956)
                      +Arthur A. Reigler (1900-1983)
........................13 Eileen Reigler (1924-1994)
                        +Andrew Seer (1918-1999)
........................13 Paul F. Reigler
..........................14 Barbara Ellen Reigler (c.1954)  
........................13 Barbara Reigler
                        +James Harrison 
                        Second husband of Barbara Reigler:
                        +? Osborne
                        Third husband of Barbara Reigler:
                        +? Robinson
......................12 Arthur J. Columbus (1908-1971)
                      +Myrtle Delia Chartier (1909-1986)
........................13 Daniel A. Columbus (1930-1984)
                        +Mary L. Petre (1932)
........................13 Mary Lou Columbus (1941-2000)
                        +Donald Tyrrell
........................13 Lois Columbus
                        +Kenneth Short
........................13 Richard L. Columbus
                        +Wanda ?
........................13 Marjorie Columbus
                        +John Rodhe
                    Second husband of Marceline Gagner:
                    +Herbert D. Merritt (1871-1949)
....................11 Vitaline Gagner (1877)
                    +Tancrede Handfield (1867)
....................11 Elizabeth E. Gagner (1878)
                    +Thomas Langlois (1873)
......................12 Joseph T. Langlois (1908-1986)
......................12 George B. Langlois (1910-1984)
......................12 Roland I. Langlois (1912-1990)
                      +Cecilia E. Stachowski (1913-1966)
........................13 ? Langlois
                        +William Hubler
........................13 Jacqueline Langlois (1940-1940)
......................12 Thomas Edward Langlois (1913-1999)
                      +[Elizabeth]Ione Fabry (1918-2000)
........................13 Marianne Langlois
                        +Gerald Barrowman
..........................14 Barb Barrowman
                          +? Baase
............................15 Nick Baase
..........................14 Laurie Barrowman
                          +David Schultz
............................15 Emma Schultz
..........................14 Dan Barrowman
........................13 Julie Langlois
                        +Mark Couturier
..........................14 Kevin Couturier
..........................14 Keith Couturier
........................13 Amy Louise Langlois (1954-1998)
                        +Keith Anderson
 .....................12 Jeanne [Sister Mary Rene] Langlois (1916)
......................12 Leona M. Langlois (1919-1973)
                      +James Tennant (1915-1996)
........................13 Jeanne Tennant
                        +Epifanio Maldonado
........................13 James Tennant 
......................12 Leonore M. Langlois (1919-1995)
                      +Roy Helbig (1919)
........................13 Elaine Ann Helbig (c.1944)
                        +Russell Davis
..........................14 Thresa Davis (c.1964)
                       Second husband of Leonore Langlois:
                       +Carl Allen Babcock (1922-1976)
                       Third husband of Leonore Langlois:
                       +Wilfred Poole (1908-1984)
........................13 Lawrence Poole 
......................12 Marie J. Langlois (1924-1994)
                      +Charles Putnam (1921-1980)
........................13 Karen Putnam (c.1954)
........................13 Kenneth Putnam
........................13 Ronald Putnam
....................11 Leah M. Gagner (1880-1970)
                    +Charles Xavier Langlois (1869-1954)
......................12 Basil G. Langlois (1901-1977)
........................13 Basil Langlois (1925-1995)
......................12 Irving G. Langlois (1903-1986)
                      +Margaret ? (1912-1993)
......................12 Louise Langlois (1904-1991)
                      +Everett Eastman (1902-1973)
........................13 Charles John Eastman (1929)
                        + Elaine Mary Engles (1930)
..........................14 Thomas Eastman (1956)
                          +Gay Lynn ? (1959)
............................15 Jaime Elaine Eastman (1982)
............................15 Clinton Keith Eastman (1984)
..........................14 Yvonne Eastman
..........................14 Carol Eastman
..........................14 Mary Catherine Eastman
..........................14 Janet Eastman
..........................14 Patrick Eastman
..........................14 Michael Eastman
..........................14 Paul Eastman
..........................14 Mark Joseph Eastman (1968)
......................12 Eunice Langlois (1907-1994)
                      +Joseph Johnson
                      Second husband of Eunice Langlois:
                      +? Aremento
......................12 Paul Claude Langlois (1914-1941)
                      +Marion ?
........................13 Claudea Langlois
........................13 Carolyn Langlois
......................12 Guy Benedict Langlois (1920-1992)
......................12 Ruth Langlois
....................11 Alphonse Gagner (1882-1882)
....................11 Joseph A. Gagner (1883-1968)
                    +Marguerite Mae Huether (1894-1980)
....................11 Frank X. Gagner (1884)
                    Second wife of Frank Gagner:
                    +Bernice C. Whaley Franklin (1896) 
....................11 Helen Elmire Gagner (1886-1975)
                    +Henry Joseph Trombley (1878-1969)
......................12 Berniece Trombley (1910-1995)
                      +Carl Rice (1906-1993)
........................13 Carol Rice (1929)
                        +Gerald Starkey (1923)
..........................14 Anne Marie Starkey (1956)
                          +Michael Saunders (1950)
..........................14 James Carl Starkey (1959)
..........................14 Yvonne Emily Starkey (1962)
........................13 Julia Anne Rice (1930)
                        +Clair Corbet (1929)
..........................14 Lee-Anne Corbet (1951)
                          +George Genow (1949)
............................15 Jonathan Genow (1975)
............................15 Brandon Genow (1978) 
..........................14 Lynn Corbet (1953)
..........................14 Lois Jean Corbet (1954-1976)
..........................14 Lisa Corbet (1958)
                          +Paul Rassette
..........................14 Clair Vincent Corbet (1960)
..........................14 Leah Beth Corbet (1963)
........................13 Alice Ann Rice (1933)
                        +Lewis Korpel (1929)
..........................14 Kurt Patrick Korpel (1956)
..........................14 Lou Ann Korpal (1958)
                          +Fritz Schmidt
..........................14 Jacqueline Korpal (1960)
                          +Richard Schwartzly
............................15 Richard Schwartzly (1981)
..........................14 Karl Korpal (1962)
..........................14 Eric Korpal (1964)
                        Second husband of Alice Rice:
                        +John Halpin
                        Third husband of Alice Rice:
                        +Arthur Averette
........................13 Russel Neal Rice (1943)
                        +Maria Villereal (1945)
..........................14 David Rice (1966)
..........................14 Paul Rice (1967)
..........................14 Adam Rice (1971)
..........................14 Sara Rice (1976)
........................13 Carla Marion Rice (1954)
......................12 Richard H. Trombley (1912-1998)
                      +Natalie A.(Marcoux?) Helber (1917)
........................13 Robert Trombley
                        +Carol ?
........................13 John Trombley
                        +Kathy Molla
........................13 JoAnne Trombley (c.1947)
                        +Ernest Bernard
..........................14 Alan Bernard (c.1965)
..........................14 Jay Bernard (c.1966)
                        Second husband of JoAnne Trombley:
                        +Daniel Malloy
........................13 Virginia Louise Trombley
                        +Richard Switzky 
........................13 Gail Trombley (1955)
                        +Craig Dryzga
......................12 Louise Trombley (1915)
                      +Wallace Pierce (1920)
......................12 Claire Trombley (1920-1968)
                      +? Nedzinski
                      Second husband of Claire Trombley:
                      +Lawrence F. Goulette (1917-1986)
......................12 Doris Trombley (1922-1999)
                      +Donald Sage (1919-1969)
........................13 Donna Sage (c.1945)
......................12 [George] Leonard Trombley (1925-1982)
                      +Meta Roggow (1919)
........................13 Debra Trombley
                        +Gary Jankes
..........................14 Joshua Jankes
........................13 Beth Trombley (c.1959)
......................12 Nancy Trombley (1931)
                      +James Montgomery (1925-1987)
........................13 Leslie Ann Montgomery (1957)
..........................14 Sean Grew (1982)
........................13 Katherine Ann Montgomery (1959)
                        +Richard Steward
..........................14 Dawn Steward (1979)
........................13 Amy Therese Montgomery (1961)
                        +Keith E. Clark (1957)
..........................14 Matthew Michael Clark (1986)
..........................14 Jessica Lynn Clark (1989)
........................13 John Andrew Montgomery (1966)
                        +Bridgit ? (1965)
..........................14 Andrew Montgomery (1990)
..........................14 Nicholas Montgomery (1992)
........................13 Scott James Montgomery (1968)
                        +Michelle ?
..........................14 Chelsea Montgomery (1992)
..........................14 Victoria Montgomery (1994)
....................11 Ferdinand Alphonse Gagner (1889-1962)
                    +Claire Gravelle (1886-c.1967)
......................12 Ferdinand Gagner (1916-1990)
......................12 Raoul Gagner (1917-1981)
                      +Wilma ? (1920-1996)
......................12 Lionel Joseph Gagner (1921-1990)
                      +Alice Lea Contant (1923)
........................13 Lionel Joseph Gagner (1947)
                        +Jean Ellen Schuldt (1948)
..........................14 Craig Gagner (1974)
..........................14 Cory Gagner (1979)
                          +Erica Perkins (1980)
............................15 Evan William Gagner (2000)
..........................14 Kelly Marie Gagner (1983)
........................13 Preston Gagner (1949-1992)
........................13 Bridget Gagner (1952)
                        +Richard Celum
..........................14 Lauricia Celum (1972)
                          +Doug Matuska
..........................14 Royal Anthony Celum (1975)
                          +Lori Ann Spurlin (1977)
............................15 Morgan Renee Celum (1998) 
                        Second husband of Bridget Gagner:
                        +Hugh Graham (1947)
........................13 Helena Gagner (1953)
                        +Gary Johnston 
........................13 Philip Gagner (1954) 
                        +Magdalena Florez (1955)
..........................14 Philip Gagner (1975)
                        Second wife of Philip Gagner:
                        +Gay Nell Edwards (1961)
........................13 Denise A. Gagner (1955)
                        +Nicholas Buono (1956)
..........................14 Melanie Buono (1976)
                        Second husband of Denise Gagner:
                        +James Earl Rightsell (1953-1999)
..........................14 Robin Nichole Rightsell (1979-1998)
..........................14 Brittany Marie Gagner (1988)
..........................14 Amanda Christine Gagner (1992)
                        Third husband of Denise Gagner:
                        +Patrick Michael Cleary (1963)
..........................14 Patrick Michael Cleary (1995)
........................13 Gregory C. Gagner (1957)
                        +Elizabeth A. Jones (1950)
..........................14 Jeniffer A. Gagner-Jones (1981)
                          +Anthony G. Morris (1980)
............................15 ? Morris
                        Second wife of Gregory Gagner:
                        +Dorothy Rae Keller (1946)  
......................12 Victor Gagner
........................13 Susan Gagner
........................13 Lisa Gagner
........................13 Robert Gagner
....................11 Eleanore Gagner (1892-1983)
                    +Thomas O'Rourke (1881)
......................12 Marie O'Rourke (1913-1986)
                      +Jack MacGrath 
......................12 Helen O'Rourke (1915-1984)
                      +? Seelanders
                      Second husband of Helen O'Rourke:
                      +? Howard
......................12 Eleanor O'Rourke (1916)
                      +? Ellis 
........................13 Patricia Ellis (1936)
                        +? Barton                 
......................12 Frances O'Rourke (1918)
                      +Lee Baldochhi
......................12 James O'Rourke (1919-1945)
                    Second husband of Eleanore Gagner:
                    +William Kaiser
....................11 [Marie] Anna Gagner (1896-1956)
                    +George Theophile Beauvais (1896-1967)
......................12 Donald J. Beauvais (1917-1972)
                      +June Gosslee
........................13 Phillip G. Beauvais
                        +Darlene ?
........................13 Laurel L. Beauvais 
........................13Carrolyn J. Beauvais
........................13 Beverly J. Beauvais (1953-1996)
......................12 Rene Beauvais (1918-1988)
                      +[Mary] Rita Rich (1918)
........................13 David Rene Beauvais (1948)
........................13 Mary Joyce Beauvais (1949)
                        +Edward Bartoszek 
..........................14 Jennifer Irene Bartoszek (1976)
..........................14 Jill Ann Bartoszek (1979)
..........................14 Jeffery Bartoszek (1983)
........................13 William Guy Beauvais (1951)
........................13 Robert Edgar Beauvais (1952)
                        +Joan Pajot
..........................14 Millissa Marie Beauvais (1972)
..........................14 Denise Ann Beauvais (1981)
..........................14 Robert Edgar Beauvais (1983)
..........................14 Zachary Beauvais (1988)
........................13 Patrice Marie Beauvais (1954)
                        +Jerry Witzke
..........................14 Jarrod Witzke (1978)
..........................14 Marcus Witzke (1983)
..........................14 Kathleen Witzke (1984)
........................13 Paul Charles Beauvais (1957)
                        +Kathryn Kish
..........................14 Benjamin Beauvais (1987)
..........................14 Abigail Beauvais (1990)
..................10 Marie des Anges Gagne (1848)
                  +Amable Bernier (1847)
....................11 Cyrile Bernier (1870)
..................10 [Marie] Vitaline Gagne (1850)
..................10 [Marie] Aquiline Gagne (1853)
                  +Joseph Chouinard 
..................10 Cesaire Gagner (1857)
                  +Helene Bellefleur (1863)
....................11 Joseph Gagner (1883-1915)
                    +Mary ? (1884-1963)
......................12 Rocque Arthur Gagner (1904-1995)
......................12 Lionel Gagner (1908)
......................12 Juliet Gagner (1911)
....................11 Phillip Gagner (1884)
                    +Myrtle Grudebeck (1893)
....................11 Alphonse Gagner (1886-1887)
....................11 Helen Gagner (1888)
                    +Clyde Yoakum (1889)
....................11 Rocque A. Gagner (1890-1950)
                    +Belle Lancaster (1890)
....................11 Olvine Gagner (1891)
                    +Hazael Willis (1890)
....................11 Leon Gagner (1893-1978)
....................11 Adolphis G. Gagner (1896-1965)
                    +Olive Marcella Snyder (1895-1969)
......................12 Joseph Gagner (c.1922)
                Second wife of Joseph Gagne:
                +Emilienne Levesque (1837)
..................10 Clementine Gagne (1860)
..................10 [Marie] Marcelline Gagner (1861)
..................10 Arthur W. Gagner (1863)  
                  +Sara Royer (1856)
....................11 Laura M. Gagner (1888)
..................10 Joseph-Alphonse Gagne (1868-1868)
..................10 Alphonse Gagne (1870)
..................10 Pierre-Alphonse Gagne (1872-1875)
..................10 Emerentienne Gagne (1874)
..................10 Marie-Hermeline Gagne (1875)
................9 Marie-Judith Gagne
..............8 Marie-Modeste Gagne (1789)
..............8 Felicite Gagne (1792)
..............8 Jean-Baptiste Gagne (1794)
..............8 Catherine Gagne (1797)
              +Joseph Volant-dit-Champlain (1795)
..............8 Madeleine Gagne (1799)
              +Pierre Parent (1795)
............7 Marie-Agathe Gagne (1754-1798)
            +Louis Francois Simard (1741-1780)
..............8 Joseph Simard (1773)
..............8 Francois Simard (1774)
..............8 Marie Simard (1775)
..............8 Vital Simard (1776)
............7 Etienne Rodolphe Gagne (1757-1757)
............7 Marie-Felicite Gagne (1761)
            +Joseph Lemieux (1756-1805)
..............8 Felicite Lemieux (1776)
..............8 Marie-Josephte Lemieux (1779-1779)
..............8 Joseph-Louis Lemieux (1780-1781)
..............8 Joseph-Marie Lemieux (1782)
............7 Michel Innocent Gagne (1763)
............7 Marie-Veronique Gagne (1764-1764)
............7 Etienne Gagne (1772)
            +Victoire St. Eloy
..............8 Marie-Victoire Gagne (1795)
..............8 Etienne Gagne (1797)
..............8 Marie-Luce Gagne (1798)
..............8 Marguerite Gagne (1800)
..............8 Francois Gagne (1802)
..............8 Archange Gagne (1804)
..............8 Flavie Gagne (1805)
..............8 Seraphin Gagne (1807-1807)
..............8 Emilien Gagne (1808)
..............8 Adelaide Gagne (1810)
          Second wife of Ignace Gagne:
          +Genevieve Lavoie (1753)
............7 ? Gagne (1786-1786)
..........6 Marie-Louise Gagne (1725)
          +Etienne Corneau
          Second husband of Marie-Louise Gagne:
          +Pierre de Salines 
..........6 Louis Gagne (1728-1749)
..........6 Jacques Gagne (1730)
          +Marie-Marthe Simard (1731-1759)
          Second wife of Jacques Gagne: 
          +Rosalie Delavoue (1722) 
........5 Pierre Gagne (1692-1735)
        +Marie-Josephte Dufour (1697-1725)
        Second wife of Pierre Gagne:
        +Angelique Debeau (1689)
........5 Louis-Francois Gagne (1694-1697)
........5 Francoise Gagne (1696-1778)
        +Claude Gauthier (1684-1731)
        Second husband of Francoise Gagne:
        +Jean Otisse
........5 Francois-Xavier Gagne (1698)
        +Marie-Genevieve Filion 
........5 Barbe Gagne (1699-1723)
        +Augustin Boivin
........5 Raphael Gagne (1701)
        +Marie-Josephte Dallaire
......4 Joachim Gagne (1660-1688)
      +Therese-Louise Marcoux 
Second wife of Christophe Gasnier:
+Francoise Vallee

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