This is my individual view not others:

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When I first started showing as many others it was due to my love for the breed I was to represent.
As I found out over time the world of showing can be rewarding as well disappointing.
As in any sport there is competition, as in the world of dog showing competition competition is just as fierce, you only get one chance to win out of one class.
Even when I was looking for that first show quality pup and contacting various breeders not one had something positive to say about the other personally or in regards to the dog's themselves, all being proven champions.
It was a hard choice it almost seemed as I felt I had to go to a certain breeder or I may put myself in certain unpredictable situations.

Regardless, I have since then produced my own litters not without hear say about parentage, quality , health problems etc..

Although all pups owners are more than satisfied to say the least shouldn't I be happy with this ?

Well , through all the gossip that I am ashamed to say I played a big part in myself,  taking in all I heard to heart and very personally, be it about my dog's or myself , could it only be "hear say"? they said etc."?
I turned my back on people that I trusted when I first became part of this political community and never felt it was in my nature to be this way but felt I almost had to make my stand, for what for who?

Well my finding now this is all one big circle, I have only been around for a couple years but consider some of the top breeders some of my best friends.
I really don't feel that there are any real hate relationships but can you wonder if there are any real friendships out there?

I hope so.

In the end I will continue to show, breed and promote this breed with all the love I have for them. It can be a lot of fun to get together with people with same interests and I only hope that people realize this breed already has enough downfalls so we need to stick together to give them the recognition they deserve.

Christina Sorci Kanno Kennels
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