Here, you'll find fun holiday facts to stump your friends and family with
all season long! Make this into a "Trivial Pursuit" type of game, or give
them a new piece of Christmas knowledge every day of December!
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"Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree".
At The Movies
- Questions about classic Christmastime movies, past and present.
A Season of Song
- Tough trivia on the who, what, where, when, and why of various carols and songs.
Global Christmas
- Learn how countries around the world contributed to and celebrate Christmas.
Books and Bobbles
- Questions on your favorite Christmas novels, stories, and poems.
A Century of Christmas
- Historical Christmas moments of the 20th century.
Festive Flowers
- What does a poinsettia have to do with Christmas? Find out here.
Facts On Food
- Learn lots of trivia about your Christmas favorites.
Merry Miscellaneous Mish-Mash
- A collection of odds and ends that didn't quite fit into one of the various categories.
Who voiced the part of the Grinch in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"?
Boris Karloff.
What movie featured a child's Christmas wish for a "Ryder Range" model air rifle?
The Christmas Story.
Who played Mrs. Cratchit in "A Muppet Christmas Carol"?
Miss Piggy.
What was the angel's name in "It's A Wonderful Life?"?
Where, in New York City, does Kevin stay in "Home Alone 2"?
The hotel "The Plaza".
What's the last thing the Grinch takes out of the Who's refrigerator?
A can of 'Who' hash.
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What Christmas carol was featured on "Holiday Inn"?
"White Christmas".
What is the most famous Christmas ballet?
"The Nutcracker".
Who originally sang "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree"?
Brenda Lee.
What song contains the phrase 'prospero anno'?
"Feliz Navidad".
What does "Auld Lang Syne" mean in what language?
It's Scottish for "Old Long Ago".
Who first recorded "Jingle Bell Rock", and in what year?
Bobby Helms in 1957.
When was the first Christmas carol written, and who wrote it?
In 1649, by John de Brebeur.
Who narrated "Frosty The Snowman?"
Jimmy Durante.
Who forbade the singing of Christmas carols?
The Puritans.
What Christmas song went number one in 1949?
"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer".
Which state song is to the melody of "O Tannenbaum"?
"Michigan, My Michigan" for the state of Michigan.
What gift symbolizes Christ in "The Twelve Days Of Christmas"?
The partridge in the pear tree.
How many gifts alltogether are in "The Twelve Days Of Christmas"?
What is the title of the first American Christmas carol?
"Jesus Is Born".
What is the biggest selling Christmas single of all time?
Bing Crosby's "White Christmas".
What carol did Austrian priest, Joseph Mohr, write in 1818?
"Stille Nacht" (Silent Night).
Who introduced Christmas carols to formal church services?
St. Francis of Assisi.
Who composed the music for "The Nutcracker"?
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Which country began the tradition of the Christmas tree?
Which country's Santa Claus is La Befana, a kindly old witch?
Where was the first Christmas celebrated?
In Rome, on December 25, 336 AD.
What province of Canada leads the world in exporting Chrismtas trees?
Nova Scotia.
What was the first state to consider Christmas a holiday and when?
Alabama, in 1836.
Which country printed the first Christmas card?
Where did the traditon of Santa Claus develop and what is he referred to in that country?
In Holland where he is referred to as Sinterklaas.
In what Irish city was "The Messiah" first performed?
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What was Charles Dickens' original choice of classic phrase for Scrooge to recite?
"Bah Christmas!".
What is the correct spelling for one of the reindeer in the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas; Donner, Donder, or Dondor?
What Christmas novel opens with, "Marley was dead, to begin with."?
A Christmas Carol.
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For the first time in 38 years, what two religious holidays coincided on December 25, 1978?
Christmas and Chanukah.
Which Pope decided Christmas was to be held December 25th?
Pope Julius I.
When did people begin to roast a turkey for Christmas?
What did Tom Smith invent in 1846?
Christmas crackers.
When was the first Christmas stamp realeased in Canada?
Who abolished Christmas in 1649?
Oliver Cromwell.
In 1907, what state became the last to consider Christmas a legal holiday?
What horrific disaster wrecked and ravaged the Australian city of
Darwin in Christmas of 1974?
Cyclone Tracy.
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What does Mexico consider the "Flower of the Night"?
The poinsettia.
An Advent Wreath has how many candles?
True or false, artificial Christmas trees have out sold real trees every year as of 1991.
What Christmas plant has the power to heal diseases, give fertility to humans and animals, and bring good luck and great blessings?
The mistletoe.
What religious word is Holly said to be derived from?
Who was the poinsettia named after?
Mexican doctor, Joel Poinsett.
What are lovers kissing benaeth the mistletoe promised?
Marriage and assured happiness.
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What bird did roast turkey replace?
Roast swan.
What medieval meal did the Royal Family insist on having instead of turkey for many years?
Boar's head.
What was Christmas pudding first made with?
A soup-like dish with raisins and wine.
What kind of fable is baking bread on Christmas Eve that will never go mouldy?
An old wive's tale.
Which country is credited for the invention of egg nog?
The United States of America.
Who imported turkey into France for Christmas?
The Jesuits.
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Was Jesus Christ really born in a wooden stable?
No, in those days animals were kept in caves to avoid the intense heat.
What did electric Christmas lights replace?
Who was the first Christmas card printed for?
Sir Henry Cole.
Who was the popular toy, the teddy bear, named after?
Theodore Roosevelt.
What two books in the bible tell the most complete biblical account of Christmas?
Matthew and Luke.
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Christmas Carols | Holiday Humour | Around the World | Trivia | Games | Christmas Angels | Traditions/Symbols | Gift Ideas | That's A Wrap! | Recipes | Deck the Halls
1999 Š by Jemma